
  • 网络Roman art
  1. 他谈了古罗马艺术。

    He discoursed on ancient Roman art .

  2. 梅里达国立古罗马艺术博物馆,西班牙

    National Museum of Roman Art , Merida , Spain , 1984

  3. 罗马艺术的突出成就表现在建筑和雕刻上。

    Outstanding achievement in the arts of Rome reflected in the architecture and sculpture .

  4. 哪里有罗马艺术展?

    Where is the Roman art ?

  5. 它们是非常类似的科林斯柱阿坎瑟斯树叶出现在早期罗马艺术,尤其是首都的那些装饰。

    They are very similar to the acanthus leaves that appear in earlier Roman art , particularly those decorating the capitals of Corinthian columns .

  6. 古罗马艺术大体上延续了希腊传统,在雕塑与绘画的题材内容、表现形式等方面竞相模仿希腊艺术。

    Roman art generally follows Grecian tradition , competes to imitate Grecian art in the aspects of sculpture , drawing 's subject matter , forms and so on .

  7. 西班牙建筑师拉斐尔·莫尼奥在其代表作梅里达国立古罗马艺术博物馆的设计中充分体现了对古罗马建筑传统的继承,并结合现代博物馆设计的要求进行了很大程度地创新。

    Jos é Rafael Moneo , the Spanish architect , extended and innovated Roman architectural tradition through his design of the National Museum of Roman Art in M é ida .

  8. 古代埃及艺术、希腊罗马艺术、印度艺术、波斯艺术和中原艺术都在楼兰艺术中留下了鲜明的烙印。

    Most of ancient arts in the world , such as Egyptian Art , Greece-Roman Art , Indian Art , Persia Art and Chinese Art , had influence on the Loulan Art .

  9. 不像文艺复兴之前,中世纪时期所言的古希腊罗马艺术的死亡,那是一种隐匿,绘画的精神和技艺失去了传承。

    Unlike before Renaissance , the death of ancient Greece and Rome in the Middle ages is a kind of hidden . There is no adherence to spirit and skill of drawing .

  10. 古罗马艺术开始转向写实,时间表现为一个切面,其中不包含过去的回溯与未来的延展,在时间性上失去了厚度。

    Roman art began to turn to realism , where time is expressed as a tangent plane , not containing a retrospective of the past and the extension to the future , with a result of losing the thickness on the temporality .

  11. 汤姆是个研究古希腊罗马文学艺术的学者。

    Tom is a classical scholar .

  12. 然后我们去看看古希腊和古罗马的艺术珍品。

    Then we 'll turn to the art of the ancient Greeks and Romans .

  13. 研究古希腊与古罗马文学艺术的学者(拉丁文与希腊文专家)

    A classical scholar , ie an expert in Latin and Greek A literary work of ancient Greece or Rome .

  14. 终究,罗马的艺术,文化以及宗教大多起源于希腊,出现这个问题在所难免。

    The question is bound to arise when so much of Rome 's art , literature and religion was derived from Hellenic sources .

  15. 他们提出文艺复兴艺术、巴洛克艺术、罗马晚期艺术、哥特艺术等非古典艺术与古典艺术分庭抗礼,逐步颠覆了古典艺术一元论的传统价值取向。

    They put forward the Renaissance art , baroque art , Rome late art , gothic art , etc to reflect classical art and gradually reshaped the tradition of classical art monism value orientation .

  16. 罗马马克罗当代艺术博物馆(Macro)坐落在佩罗尼啤酒厂(Peroni)原址之上,它经常被该市的另一个当代艺术博物馆Maxxi盖过风头。Maxxi的场馆是建筑师扎哈·哈迪德(ZahaHadid)设计的,现代感十足,令人难忘。

    Macro Arts | 3 p.m. The Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma , or Macro , housed in a former Peroni brewery , is often overshadowed by the city 's other contemporary art museum , the Maxxi - an impressive , modern structure designed by the architect Zaha Hadid .

  17. 如黑格尔以象征型艺术、古典型艺术和浪漫型艺术对艺术进行了一个整体的分类,并阐述了希腊罗马时期的雕塑艺术作为古典型艺术的特征。

    As Hegel in symbolic form of art , classical art and the romantic art of art an overall classification , and elaborated the Greek Rome time sculpture art as classical art characteristics .

  18. 例如唐代巧夺天工的工艺美术,则是在汉族文化的基础上吸收了印度、波斯、罗马、阿拉伯等艺术图案的风格,形成了具有中华民族特色的艺术文化形式。

    For example , Tang and intricate arts and crafts , it is based on the absorption of the Han culture in India , Persia , Rome , Arabia , and other art design style , forming a distinctive Chinese form of art and culture .

  19. 这场展览的策展人是罗马的意大利当代艺术博物馆Maxxi的艺术总监侯瀚如。他说,“对陈箴来说,艺术和做艺术家几乎是一种治疗方法,不只是对身体,而且是对心理和精神。”

    Hou Hanru , the curator of the show and the artistic director of the Maxxi , Italy 's national museum for contemporary art in Rome , said : " Art and being an artist was almost a kind of therapy for Chen Zhen , not just physically but psychologically and spiritually .

  20. 第一章论述罗马帝国前期的政治经济情况、罗马肖像艺术发展状况以及古罗马文献资料中对儿童的普遍观点。

    The first chapter discusses the development of Roman society in early Empire , the evolution of Roman portraiture and the general attitudes towards children in Roman literatures .

  21. 从中世纪历史的纵向上看,哥特风格是北方民族国家为反抗罗马拉丁文化霸权的形式创造,是取代衰败罗马文化的艺术形式。

    From the vertical history of the Middle Ages , Gothic style is an art form the north European countries created to struggle against Roman Latin culture and to replace the declining Roman culture .