
  1. 机器视觉测量大米留胚率的研究

    Research on Measurement of Rice Plumule Ratio by Machine Vision

  2. 胚芽精米机提高精米留胚率的研究

    Research on Increasing Unstripped Germ Rate of White Rice

  3. 用神经网络方法进行大米留胚率自动检测的研究

    Research on Detecting the Plumule Ratio of Rice Kernel Using a Neural Network Approach

  4. 研削式碾米机提高粳稻留胚率的研究

    Increasing the Rate of Remained Germ in Short Grain Rice by the Abrasive Type Rice Whitener

  5. 留胚率是衡量胚芽米品质的主要技术指标。

    Plumule ratio is of the most important criterion for evaluating the quality of plumule rice .

  6. 留胚率变化情况为:这两种大米的留胚率都是随着碾减率的增大而不断减小的。

    The germ-remained rate : that of both kinds decreases constantly as the increase of degree of milling .

  7. 综述了计算机视觉技术在稻米品种、外形轮廓、垩白度、加工精度、留胚率、整精米率、黄粒米和稻米化学成分等检测中的应用。

    The applications of computer vision technology to inspect the variety , shape , chalk degree , milling degree , embryo rate , head rice , yellow rice and elements of rice are introduced .