
tiān rán xìnɡ
  • incombustibility
  1. Ghrelin是近年来发现的一个生长激素释放激素受体(GHSR)的天然性配体。

    Ghrelin , a natural ligand for growth-hormone secretagogue receptor ( GHS-R ) , was recently identified .

  2. 超临界CO2萃取的荷叶挥发油更具天然性,超临界CO2萃取法为提取荷叶挥发油的理想方法。

    The volatile oil obtained with supercritical CO_2 is closer to natural ones . Supercritical CO_2 extraction is an ideal method for extracting the volatile oils of lotus leaves .

  3. 结论MDR基因过度表达在PHC天然性或获得性耐药起一定作用,且存在组织学差异。

    Conclusions Overexpression of Pgp may be responsible for the intrinsic and acquired drug resistance of PHC . Histological differences exists in multidrug resistance ( MDR ) .

  4. 赤点石斑鱼(Epinephelusakaara)是名贵海水经济鱼类,雌雄同体,雌性先熟,存在天然性逆转现象。

    Red spotted grouper ( Epinephelus akaara ) is a kind of marine fish .

  5. 结论:2AAF能够诱导大鼠肝细胞Pgp的过度表达,提示肝癌Pgp天然性过度表达的原因可能与肝细胞癌变过程中,某些致癌物对Pgp的诱导有关。

    Conclusion : 2 AAF can induce the overexpression of P gp in rat liver . Intrinsic overexpression of P gp of hepatocellular carcinoma may be ascribed to induction of some carcinogen on the hepatic expression of P gp during the carcinogenesis .

  6. 这一主题的表现特征为天然性、趣味性和参与性。

    This theme and performance characteristics for nature , interest and participation .

  7. 而蛋白酶抑制剂是昆虫的天然性免疫系统不可缺少的组成部分。

    Proteinase inhibitors are important and necessitated in the immunity system of insects .

  8. 具纯天然性。

    It is purely natural .

  9. 鹿茸中含有多种活性成分,其所含的天然性激素,如雌激素和孕激素,可用于治疗妇女绝经前后出现的更年期症状。

    Antler velvet contains various active ingredients including natural estrogen and progesterone which can efficiently guard against and treat the menopause syndrome .

  10. 对于现代人而言,怀乡已经日渐失去其原始性和天然性,成为一个经典的现代性命题。

    As to modern , nostalgia has already lost its natural and primitive character day by day and becomes a classical proposition of modernity .

  11. 土体本身所具有三大特性&天然性、三相性、碎散性使其与传统的连续介质力学中均匀、连续的假定相冲突。

    There were three intrinsic properties of soil-natural , three-phase and broken , which conflicted with the traditional continuum mechanics ' assumption of uniform and continuous .

  12. 玉米黄质贸易协会发展和发布了一个新的分析方法,这是用来检验在食品和食品补充剂中使用的玉米黄质的纯度和天然性立体结构的分析方法。

    The Zeaxanthin Trade Association has developed and published a new analytical method to test the purity of zeaxanthin used in foods and dietary supplements , the association has said .

  13. 黄鳝是我国淡水鱼中的一种具有天然性反转生理特性的鱼类,即由雌性、间性到雄性发育的过程;

    The rice field eel , Monopterus albus , one of fresh-water fishes , has a characteristic of natural sexual reversal from female via intersex into male during its life .

  14. 原生态生活环境生成的歌唱风格的天然性,歌唱心理的淳朴性,是形成其歌唱艺术经典性的主要原因。

    The natural singing style originated from the " bioplast " life environment , the simplicity of the singing mentality is the main cause of the forming of the classics of her singing .

  15. 植物多糖独特的活性和天然性在保障人体健康具备强大潜力,研究石蒜多糖具有巨大药用价值。

    Since the polysaccharide contained in the plant has solid potentials in guaranteeing human health due to its unique activity and nature originality , the research of which tends to be quite valuable for its medical application .

  16. 而刑事诉讼国家机关介入的天然性使得刑事诉讼结构不具有其诉讼结构所应当具有的控辩平等、法官中立等特点。

    The state agencies involved in criminal proceedings makes the natural structure of criminal proceedings do not have neutrality of judges and other features which the legal structure of equality of the prosecution and the defense should have .

  17. 木制玩具是玩具家族的一大门类,历史源远流长,以其天然性、耐用性及益智性深受人们的欢迎。

    In toy family , the wooden toy is one of the main categories . These wooden toys have a long history . They are popular by their natural , durable , and conducive to the development of intelligence .

  18. 从理论研究的现实性角度来说,社会分层是人类结构的基本特征,它作为人类天然性的结构冲突之一,其基本价值是社会公平正义。

    At the point of reality of the theoretical research , as one of the natural structure of the conflict , the structure of social stratification is the basic feature of human being , and its core values is social fairness and justice .

  19. 天然裂缝性底水驱CO2气藏产能早期评价&以阳5潜山CO2气藏为例

    Early deliverability evaluation of naturally fractured co_2 gas reservoir with bottom-water

  20. 炎症性肠病(IBD)是一种天然免疫性疾病。

    Inflammatory bowel disease ( IBD ) is a kind of the intestinal immune system disorder disease .

  21. 它们能够在任何位点断裂单链、双链DNA或RNA,不受限制性内切酶的天然专一性限制。

    They consist of nucleic acid recognition system and chemical scission system and can cleave both DNA and RNA in either form of single or double strand at any selected site , beyond the restriction of natural specifity of restriction enzymes .

  22. 天然抗菌性壳聚糖/粘胶纤维的研究进展

    Progress in Research of Natural Chitosan / Viscoce Rayon with Antimicrobial Activity

  23. 天然改性阳离子絮凝-杀菌剂CG-C处理油田废水

    Application of Cationic Flocculating bactericidal Agent in Oilfield Wastewater Treatment

  24. 天然功能性竹叶提取物&竹叶黄酮

    Natural Functional Extract of Bamboo Leaves & Bamboo Leaf Anthoxanthin

  25. 天然裂缝性碳酸盐岩酸化数学模型研究

    Study on mathematical model of the acidizing process in naturally fractured carbonate rock

  26. 缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层水力裂缝扩展机理封闭式天然裂缝性储层

    Mechanism of hydraulic fracture propagation in fracture-cavity carbonate reservoirs

  27. 复合天然裂缝性储藏的压力动态研究

    Study on Pressure Variation Behavior in Composite Naturally-Fractured Reservoirs

  28. 福建19种木材在厦门港的天然耐久性研究

    Study on the Natural Durability of Nineteen Fujian Woods in Xiamen Harbour Waters

  29. 室内型胶合板天然耐久性的初步研究

    Study on the Natural Durability of Interior Plywood

  30. 来自大自然的恩赐天然功能性竹叶提取物&竹叶黄酮

    A Gift from Nature Bamboo Leaf Anthoxanthin & Natural Functional Extract of Bamboo Leaves