
xù mù xué
  • animal husbandry;animal science
  1. 这需要包括农学、林学、畜牧学、生态学、资源科学、环境科学以及社会科学在内的多种学科的支持。

    It needs many subjects ' support including agriculture , forestry , animal husbandry , ecology , resource science , environmental science and social science .

  2. 笔者对家畜行为学在畜牧学教学中的地位与作用进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses the position and function of ethology of domestic animals on animal husbandry teaching .

  3. 泛美兽医学和畜牧学协会;

    Pan-American Association of veterinary medicine and zootechnics ;

  4. 国际医学世界语协会泛美兽医学和畜牧学协会

    Pan-American Association of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics

  5. 畜牧学动物的驯化、饲养和改良;动物饲养的技术。

    The domestication , breeding , and improvement of animals ; the technology of animal husbandry .

  6. 我也相信在这个经验的基础上,本书的许多材料对于畜牧学的学生来说将是有用的。

    I believe also , on the basis of experience , that much of the book will be useful to students of animal science .

  7. SCI收录的我国农林牧渔论文篇数各学科从多到少依次为农学、林学、畜牧兽医学、水产;

    Every discipline of thesis number of farming , forestry , husbandry and fishing of China that SCI includes is successively agronomy , forestry , animal husbandry veterinary science , aquatic products from more to less ;

  8. 动科类专业《畜牧生产学》课程教学改革研究

    Research on Reform in Animal Production Curriculum in Animal Science

  9. 黑龙江畜牧兽医中国针灸学史略

    Heilongjiang Animal Science and veterinary medicine a brief introduction to the history of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion

  10. 而研究古代畜牧业,还要将畜牧学与历史文献学、历史地理学、地理学、环境学甚至人口学结合起来进行综合分析。

    For ancient livestock breeding study , subjects of animal husbandry , historical literature , historical geography , geography , environmentology , even demography should be combined and analysed synthetically .

  11. 要研究畜牧业就要懂得畜牧学的相关知识,比如牲畜的环境适应性、进食特征、牧草分布规律、放牧频率、牧场的产草能力等。

    Correlation knowledge of livestock breeding , such as animals ' adaptability to the environment and characteristics of eating , the distribution regularity of forage grass , the grass production ability and the herding frequency is needed for studying animal husbandry .