
  • 网络Tomato Soup
  1. 这是番茄汤亦未可知。

    It might have been tomato soup for all we know .

  2. 简直是一碗人形番茄汤。

    I 'm like a human bowl of tomato soup .

  3. 谢谢收看本期“生番茄汤”速成节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make Raw Tomato Soup

  4. 晚饭我要做个番茄汤。

    I 'm going to make tomato soup for dinner .

  5. 你最好把番茄汤热一下。

    You 'd better heat the tomato soup up .

  6. 现在让我们先喝点儿番茄汤。

    Now let 's have some tomato soup first .

  7. 两份牛排和一份番茄汤。

    Two beef steaks and one tomato soup .

  8. 外宾:好,我就要牛肉饼,红烧鱼和番茄汤。

    Well , I 'll have beef pie , saut é fish and tomato soup .

  9. 番茄汤怎么是辣的呀?

    How could tomato soup be spicy ?

  10. 2份胡萝卜番茄汤

    Tomato and carrot soup x 2

  11. 再也没有什么能像金宝汤的番茄汤一样能让我觉得自己回到小时候了。

    Nothing makes you feel like a kid as much as a cup of Campbell 's tomato soup .

  12. 大块的牛腱浸泡在番茄汤中,晶莹剔透,吃起来肉质松软但却弹性十足。

    Big chunks of translucent beef tendons are immersed in the tomato-red soup and emerge soft but resilient .

  13. 番茄汤通常卖12美分一罐,现在减价出倍,10美分一罐。

    Tomato soup that is usually sold for twelve cents a can is now on sale for ten cents .

  14. 是的,番茄汤、烤牛肉,和一份蔬菜沙拉。A:你的牛肉要多熟的?

    Yes , I 'll have tomato soup , roast beef and green salad . A : How do you want your steak ?

  15. 尽管罗宋汤在美国不像鸡汤面条和番茄汤一样受欢迎,但它很常见,尤其是在犹太人聚居的大型社区。

    Although it is not as popular as chicken noodle or tomato soups , borscht is common in the United States , especially in areas with large Jewish communities .

  16. 如果想吸入番茄汤,需要购买一个由爱德华兹的研究小组特制的液体食品碟,里面含有秘制“香精”。

    If you want , say , tomato soup , you need to buy a specially-prepared liquidised version of the dish made by Edwards'team , which contains a secret mix of its'essences ' .

  17. 比如芝麻脆饼、意大利香肠棒、苹果酱、海藻、魔法布朗尼、一勺糖、一罐番茄汤、一把梅干、一小盒葡萄干和老人薄荷糖。

    such as sesame snaps , pepperoni sticks , apple sauce , seaweed , magic brownies , a spoonful of sugar , a can of tomato soup , a handful of prunes , a little box of raisins and old man mints .

  18. 把番茄加到汤里面,把味道调好。

    Add the tomatoes to the mixture and season it well .

  19. 番茄凉菜汤,清蒸扇贝,鳄梨和莱姆沙拉。

    Chilled tomato gazpacho , poached scallop , avocado & lime salad .

  20. 汤姆:我想先点一个虾仁杯和一个番茄红肠汤。

    Tom : Well , I think I would like to have a shrimp cocktail and the tomato sausage soup first .

  21. 番茄一些研究证明,番茄酱、汤类和沙司中含有的烹调过的番茄,能够降低前列腺癌和其他消化道癌症的患病率。

    Tomatoes Several studies have linked the cooked tomatoes in ketchup , soups and sauces to a reduced risk of prostate cancer and other cancers of the digestive tract .