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shū huā
  • flower thinning
疏花[shū huā]
  1. 修剪、疏花及化控对野生欧李幼树的效应

    Effects of trim , flower thinning and chemical control on Cerasus humilis in juvenile stage

  2. 疏花对大久保桃中果皮细胞分裂与膨大的影响

    Effects of Flower Thinning on the Mesocarp Cell Division and Expansion of ' Okubo ' Peach Fruit

  3. 本种在体态上与疏花虾脊兰C.Kalman滤波在似单差方法中的应用

    It is similar to C. Application of Kalman Filtering in the Similar Single - Difference Methodology

  4. 乙烯利及NAA对红富士疏花疏果的效应

    The Effect of Ethephon and NAA as a Flower and Fruit Thinning Agent in Red Fuji Apple

  5. MCPB-ethyl对富士苹果疏花效果的研究

    Study on Thinning Flowers with MCPB-ethyl in Fuji Apple

  6. 探讨了MCPB-ethyl的喷布时期、喷布浓度对富士苹果的疏花效果、果实发育和果实品质的影响。

    In this study , thinning flowers effect , time and concentration of spraying , and influence on fruit growth and quality in Fuji apple were tested with MCPB-ethyl .

  7. 采用去穗和疏花方法调节稻穗氮需求量,研究了水稻氮素供需差(NSDB)对不同叶位叶片氮转运和衰老的影响。

    By removing panicles and spikelets , the effects of nitrogen supply-demand balance ( NSDB ) on nitrogen translocation and senescence of leaves at different positions of rice plant were studied .

  8. 通过在花期用MCPB-ethyl处理,对富士苹果花粉的发芽、花粉管的伸长以及胚珠的发育等进行了形态方面的观察和探讨,以阐明MCPB-ethyl的疏花机制。

    The aim of this study is to clarify the thinning mechanism of the apple thinner MCPB-ethyl which was sprayed at blossom stage of Fuji variety , the effects on pollen germination , pollen-tube growth and ovule development were observed .

  9. 龙眼疏花疏果的效应研究

    Research on Effect of Flower and Fruit Thinning of Longan Tree

  10. 苹果一次疏花对坐果及果实品质的影响

    Effect of flower thinning once fruit-setting and fruit quality of apple

  11. 两种疏花剂对苹果授粉受精过程的影响

    Effect of Two Flower Thinners on Pollination and Fertilization of Apple

  12. 萘乙酸对国槐疏花疏果作用研究分析

    Study on flower and fruit thinning effectiveness of NAA for Chinese scholartree

  13. 疏花蔷薇果实营养成分分析

    Analysis of the Nutritive Composition in the Fruit of Rosa laxa Retz

  14. 根据文献报道对苹果的化学疏花疏果研究及其应用情况进行了综述和分析。

    Study on chemical thinning for apple trees and its application are summarized .

  15. 一类相似组合大系统的全息控制本种在体态上与疏花虾脊兰C。

    Holographic control of a class of similar interconnected systems It is similar to C.

  16. 疏花疏果对猕猴桃果实大小和产量的影响

    Effects of Thinning Flower and Fruit on Fruit Weight and Yield of Chinese gooseberry

  17. 不同程度疏花的果实重都极显著高于未疏花的果实重;

    The fruit weight of different thinning flower was weighter than no thinning flower ;

  18. 疏花疏果量对黄金梨生长结果的影响

    Effects of Thinning Flower and Fruit on the Growth and Fruiting of Golden Pear

  19. 严格疏花疏果;果粒果汁饮料的稳定性研究

    To thin the flowers and fruits strictly ; STUDY ON THE STABILITY OF PULP JUICE

  20. 疏花疏果时期不同也明显影响果实重;

    Different times of thinning flower and fruit was very much effect on fruit weight ;

  21. 一次疏花对苹果坐果及果实质量影响的初探

    Primary research on the effect of apple fruit set and fruit quality by one-time-thinning fruitlets

  22. 疏花疏果与套袋对枇杷果实生长与品质的影响

    Effects of eliminating partial flowers and young fruits and bagging on growth and quality of loquat fruit

  23. 观赏袋鼠、小袋鼠和北夜宴蛙,探索疏花桉树林、湿地和野花铺地的平原。

    See kangaroos , wallabies and northern corroboree frogs and explore snow-gum woodlands , wetlands and wildflower-cloaked plains .

  24. 疏花对龙眼根梢生长动态的影响

    The Effect of Flowering Panicle Thinning on the Growth of Roots and Shoots in Vigorous and Weak Longan Trees

  25. 与对照相比,疏花处理弱势粒灌浆增重速度明显加快,快速增重期出现早。

    Compared to control , filling speed of the inferior grains accelerated significantly and the date of their weight increase appeared earlier .

  26. 其中,合理疏花疏果是提高葡萄品质的关键技术之一;

    Of them , reasonable thinning of flowers and fruits is the key technique which can improve the quality of the grape .

  27. 结果表明,疏花处理后,茎鞘非结构性碳水化合物含量峰值出现时间推迟。

    The results were as follows : Through the treatment of spikelet-removing , peak content of NSC in stem and sheath appeared later .

  28. 顶礼朝阳多,膜拜夕阳少。萘乙酸和乙烯利对梨树的疏花疏果效应

    More worship the rising than the setting sun . The Thinning Effects of Naphthylacetic Acid and Ethephon on Flower and Fruit of Pear Tree

  29. 人工授粉和适宜的疏花疏果技术明显影响锦丰梨的平均单果重、偏斜果率、果实整齐度。

    Artificial pollination , aptly fruit-thinning and blossom-thinning technique had a obvious effect on average single fruit weight , wry fruit rate and fruit uniformity .

  30. 对桃树进行了不同疏花、疏果试验,以探讨其对桃树产量和经济性状的影响。

    The effect of flower thinning in different periods and with different distances to the earlier fruit development of the four pear varieties was studied .