
shàn xiě
  • copy;write out
缮写 [shàn xiě]
  • [write out] 誊写;抄写

  • 缮写公文

缮写[shàn xiě]
  1. 协议已缮写完毕并已草签。

    The agreement has been made out and initialized .

  2. 但你有没有注意到缮写室的书架上几乎没什么书?

    But did you notice how few books there were on the scriptorium shelves ?

  3. 我而今缮写谨呈上片纸诗行,

    To thee I send this written ambassage ,

  4. 他把它带回他在缮写室的书桌并开始阅读。

    He took it back to his desk in the scriptorium and began to read it .

  5. 我后来听说,那可怜的缮写员在得知自己要被带到监狱去的时候,没有表示任何一点点反抗。

    As I afterwards learned , the poor scrivener , when told that he must be conducted to the Tombs , offered not the slightest obstacle .
