
  • 网络fatigue period
  1. 现在的我,真的有点疲倦了,他们说是工作的疲劳期。

    Now , I was really a bit tired , they said that the fatigue .

  2. 由于德国正经历一段改革疲劳期,同时不断下降的失业率降低了政治家们进一步解除管制的兴趣,因此进行新一轮改革、以降低头等与二等工人之间门槛的可能性似乎不大。

    With Germany going through a phase of reform fatigue and falling unemployment eating away at politicians ' appetite for further deregulation , the likelihood of new reforms that would lower the barrier between first - and second-class workers seems low .

  3. 用Paris公式预测疲劳裂纹扩展期的疲劳寿命;

    The fatigue life of crack initiation can be predicted with the local stress-strain method and the life of crack propagation can be predicted with Paris formula .

  4. 静态负荷诱发肌肉疲劳后恢复期sEMG信号变化规律

    SEMG signal change characteristics during the short period of recovery after muscular fatigue with isometric contractions

  5. D级抽油杆疲劳裂纹扩展期剩余寿命预测

    Prediction of residual life of Grade D sucker rods with extending fatigue cracks

  6. 高速热模锻模具热疲劳裂纹萌生期预测

    Prediction of thermal fatigue crack initiation cycles of die for high speed hot die forging

  7. 研究背景术后疲劳是指接受手术后康复过程中,患者出现一段时间长短不一、程度不等的疲劳感觉期。

    Study BackgroundPostoperative fatigue refers to the rehabilitation process which the patients of different lengths for some time , feeling the fatigue of varying degrees period after surgery .

  8. 结合工程实际情况,本文把焊接结构的疲劳过程分为两个阶段,建立了一个能较准确预测焊接结构疲劳寿命的计算方法:用局部应力应变法预测疲劳裂纹萌生期的疲劳寿命;

    Combining with engineering facts , the fatigue process for welded structure is divided into two stages . A better calculation model predicting welded structure 's fatigue life is proposed .