
  • 网络history taking;History-taking
  1. 方法1.临床观察:包括病史采集和体格检查。

    Clinical observation : history taking and physical examination .

  2. 方法对16例家族性患者和10例散发性多巴反应性肌张力障碍患者进行病史采集、神经系统体格检查和CT或MRI检查,所得数据应用SPSS13.0软件进行统计分析。

    Methods Sixteen familiar DRD patients and 10 patients with sporadic DRD were studied by history taking , physical examination of nervous system and CT / MR scaning . The obtained data were statistical analyzed with SPSS 13.0 software in computer .

  3. 病史采集:对所有受试者均详细询问病史,着重HCM家族史及晕厥史。

    Especially the family history of HCM .

  4. 方法:申请鉴定病残儿的181例中(均为独生子女),对由于围产期高危因素致残的98例病儿进行病史采集、体格检查、CT扫描、脑电图检查及智商评定。

    Methods : Of 181 children applied for deformity checkup , 98 cases with deformity resulting from perinatal high-risk factors received history collection , physical examination , CT scan , electroencephalogram inspection , intelligence quotient assess .

  5. 目的通过检测血清总IgE水平和病史采集,探讨缓解期哮喘患儿及其父母的特应性状态。

    Objective To explore the atopic condition of children with stable asthma and their parents by detecting total IgE concentration in serum and collecting history .

  6. 为提高医学生对妇产科常见病的病史采集能力,使其掌握女性盆腔检查的技巧,我院培训子宫肌瘤和功能失调性子宫出血两种疾病的标准化病人(SP)。

    In order to improve the medical students ability in collecting history of commonly obstetric and gynecologic disease , make them control the skills of female pelvic examination .

  7. 结论捐献者的病史采集、全身检查特别是血清学乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原、丙型肝炎病毒抗体及HIVⅠ/Ⅱ抗体检查是眼库为临床提供优质、安全角膜的保证。

    Conclusions They are guarantee for Eye Bank to give fine quality and safety to clinical keratoplasty that collecting clinical history and examining systemic skin and serologic testing of hepatitis virus and HIV ⅰ / ⅱ antibody .

  8. 方法:对连续入选的210例慢性便秘患者通过病史采集、肛门直肠指检、胃肠传输试验(GITT)和肛门直肠测压(ARM)判断其动力障碍类型。

    Methods : Two hundred and ten consecutive patients with chronic constipation were investigated by history , digital rectal examination , gastrointestinal transit test ( GITT ) and anorectal manometry ( ARM ) to determine the patterns of motor dysfunction .

  9. 坠落伤伤情的影响因素与病史采集及记录要素

    Influence of fall injury and essentials of its medical history recording

  10. 视力损害中的复杂视幻觉:一种结构性病史采集方法

    Complex visual hallucinations in the visually impaired : A structured history-taking approach

  11. 从城乡患者病史采集的差异分析,谈乡村医生继续教育

    Discussion Radical Doctorss ' Continuing Education from Discrepancy Analysis on the Radical Patients

  12. 对研究对象进行病史采集、体格检查并留取血样。

    All subjects have history-taking , physical examination followed by collection of fasting blood samples .

  13. 结论:仔细完整的病史采集,系统的查体和必要的辅助检查及正确的诊断思维和认真的鉴别诊断是识别疑难病症的重要环节。

    Conclusion : It is a important key link of correct diagnosis and distinguish difficult and complicated cases of illness to avoid mistakes of some misdiagnosed causes .

  14. 方法:对广东省46名专业跳水运动员和30名中学生进行颈椎病的病史采集及物理检查,对颈椎病可疑对象拍摄颈椎X光;

    Methods : the cervical problems of 46 divers and 30 middle school students were studied by history of the diseases , physical examinations and X-ray films taken in some of the suspected cases .

  15. 临床医师对本病充足认识,注重病史的采集和查体有助于该病的诊断。

    Good knowledge , sufficient history-taking , and cautious physical examinations can help avoid misdiagnosis .

  16. 腰腿痛患者现病史的客观采集及其评价

    Objective Collection and Evaluation on the Present History taking from Back / leg Pain Patient