
  • 网络ward;ICU;SICK BAY;NICU
  1. 重症监护病区细菌感染的监测

    Monitoring of Bacteral Infection in ICU

  2. 方法在6个病区,对34个间接护理项目进行24h间接护理时数的测定和统计。

    Methods 24 hours nursing times in 34 indirect nursing durations were counted and stated in 6 wards .

  3. 共有40多位房客,他们全部住在这家医院的一个病区。

    There were over 40 tenants , all occupying one wing of the hospital

  4. 维生素B1对克山病病区粮所致心肌损伤的预防作用

    The protection of vitamin B_1 on the myocardium in the rats receiving the grains from Keshan disease area

  5. 克山病病区粮喂饲大鼠维生素E营养状态评价及补充硒和维生素E的影响

    Evaluation of Vitamin E Nutritional Status in Rats Fed a Diet of Grains from Keshan Disease Area and Effect of Selenium and Vitamin E

  6. 克山病病区粮饲养的大鼠血浆中维生素E的含量和脂质代谢的研究

    The study of content of vitamin E in plasma and lipid metabolism in organism of rats fed on grain from Keshan disease endemic area

  7. ICU和内科病区下呼吸道感染细菌分布情况的分析

    Analyze of Pathogen Distribution of Under Respiratory Way Infection of ICU and Internal Medicine Departments

  8. 建议目前农村病区儿童的智力调查研究应设A、B、C三组。

    A division of three groups ( A , B , C ) for the study of IQ of the children in IDD area in the countryside was suggested .

  9. 大骨节病区与非病区人体硒营养状态和维生素E的季节动态研究

    A Study of the Season Dynamic of the Selenium Nutrition State and Vitamin E Content in the Human Body in Kaschin-Beck Disease and Non-Disease Regions

  10. 克山病病区低硒儿童血小板GSH(px)和SOD活性以及cAMP含量

    Platelet GSH _ ( px ), sod activities and camp contents of children from low-selenium Keshan disease areas

  11. IDD病区不同智商水平儿童精神运动功能状况

    State analysis for psychomotor about different intelligence level children in iodine deficiency disorder regions

  12. 血清肌酸磷酸激酶(CPK)活性均值病区组非常明显地高于改水病区组(P

    In the non-defluoride group the mean of activity of urine creatine phosphokinase ( CPK ) was much higher than that in defluoride group ( P

  13. 目的探讨ICU病区采用床旁介入性血管栓塞术救治骨盆骨折合并失血性休克的临床价值。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of interventional vas embolism operation at ICU bedside in severe pelvis fracture patients complicated with hemorrhagic shock .

  14. 从红细胞胰岛素受体来探讨NIDDM的病因学大骨节病实验病因学研究&用病区水粮喂养恒河猴致类似人大骨节病的改变

    THE ETIOLOGIC RESEARCH OF NIDDM USING ERYTHROCYTE INSULIN RECEPTOR An Aetiological Experiment of Kashin-Beck Disease on the Rhesus Monkey

  15. 目的:研究克山病病区粮(EG)饮食大鼠在冷应激条件下,引起心肌缺血的相关因素。

    Objeclive To study relative factor of myocardium ischemia under , the state of cold stress in rats fed on endemic grains ( EG ) .

  16. 结论ICU病区施行床旁介入性血管栓塞术是救治骨盆骨折合并髂血管损伤的安全场所,实用性强,疗效可靠。

    Conclusion Interventional vas embolism operation at ICU bedside is a safe , practical and effective treatment on pelvis fracture with iliac vas trauma .

  17. 目的用TOPSIS法对苏南8个碘缺乏病区县健康教育考核结果进行评价。

    Objective Using TOPSIS method to assess results from health education examination of 8 counties , south of Jiangsu province .

  18. 在旧金山市综合医院(SanFranciscoGeneralHospital)著名的86号H.I.V.病区(Ward86),医生给了他五天的药量,又为他开了处方好让他可以买到更多药。

    At Ward 86 , the famous H.I.V. unit at San Francisco General Hospital , the doctor handed him pills for five days and a prescription for more .

  19. 结论ICU为耐亚胺培南铜绿假单胞菌感染高发病区,也是多重耐药菌株感染较多的病区,应重点监控。

    Conclusion ICU is a high risk area of infection with imipenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other multiply-resistant bacteria , which should be given strengthened surveillance .

  20. 高氟病区儿童IQ水平与父母教育水平及是否经过学前教育均有极显著性差异,P<0.01。

    The children living in high fluorine areas , the IQ level were significantly related with their parents education level ( P < 0.01 ) .

  21. 估算了病区每人每天摄Se量为26.6μg,远低于我国成人安全摄Se量建议值40&240μg/人·日的下限值。

    The amount of Se absorbed by per capita per day is 26.6 g in the disease area , which is far less than the recommended value of 40 & 240 g in China .

  22. 发中Se、Sr、Mn的含量非常明显低于非病区,但是Mo明显高于非病区(P<0.001)。

    Content of Se , Sr , Mn in personal hair is much lower than that in non-affec-ted areas , but content of Mo is much higher ( P < 0.001 ) .

  23. 目的了解我院重症监护病区(ICU)的葡萄球菌的感染状况及分布,以指导临床预防及治疗用药。

    Objectives To provide the clinical precautionary advice and dosage guidance by analyzing the infection and distribution of the acquired staphylococcus from the intensive care unit ( ICU ) .

  24. 方法1998年12月至2000年2月期间,对入住上海新华医院新生儿病区的新生儿及小婴儿同时进行头颅B超、CT和MRI检查,并酌情复查。

    Methods Ultrasound , CT and MRI examinations were performed simultaneously on all neonates and young infants who were admitted into neonatal wards of Xinhua Hospital from Dec.1998 to Feb.2000.Results Five full-term young infants were diagnosed as cerebral infarction .

  25. 方法在ICU病区建立质量控制架构(三级质控网),采用前馈质控方法,对ICU护理工作进行全面质量控制管理。

    Methods In the comprehensive quality control framework established ICU ward ( 3 control network ), using feedforward control method in the ICU nursing for overall quality control and management .

  26. 结果表明病区粮组成的偏食低钙饲料引起大鼠心肌组织GSH-Px、SOD及Cat活性明显降低.LPO含量升高。

    The results demonstrated the activity of GSH-Px , SOD and Cat and the contents of LPO in myocardium of the rats from endemic grains group markedly decreased and increased , respectively .

  27. 结论金黄色葡萄球菌和铜绿假单胞菌是烧伤病区的主要病原菌,万古霉素等糖肽类抗生素是治疗MRSA感染的可靠药物。

    Conclusions S. aureus and P. aeruginosa were main pathogens in burn patients , vancomycin was effective antibiotics for the treatment of infections caused by MRSA .

  28. 通过改善病区粮组喂养可见其硒水平、CL及CCO活性增高同时其圆二色谱亦明显恢复。

    Through improving the feeding of endemic cereals group , accompanying increase in levels of Se , CL and CCO activity , the CD spectra also restored significantly .

  29. 结论QC小组活动可以提高护士的素质,激发其积极性与创造性,提高病人满意度,塑造病区护理服务品牌。

    Conclusions QC activity can improve nurses ' quality and arouse their energetic and creative power and evaluate the patients ' satisfaction degree as well as create a ward service model .

  30. 病区和非病区居民部分元素摄入超过DRIs,但均未超过最高耐受量。

    Part of elements intake were more beyond the DRIs , but did not exceed the maximum tolerated dose . 3 .