
gù jí
  • chronic illness;malady;chronic disease;obstinate illness;ailment disease;ailment illness;aeipathia;macronosia
痼疾 [gù jí]
  • [chronic disease;ailment disease;ailment illness] 积久难以治愈的病

  • 平原王李被痼疾。--《后汉书.安帝纪》

  • 其伤于缚者,即幸留,病数月乃瘳,或竟成痼疾。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

痼疾[gù jí]
  1. 会计信息披露的失真已成为社会痼疾。

    The false disclosure of the accounting information has become a social chronic illness .

  2. 我国语文课程与教学的痼疾,一是教学内容僵化,二是教学内容随意性过大。

    The chronic illness of Chinese curriculum and teaching in our country is the ossification and randomness of the teaching content .

  3. 废除了种族隔离政策后痼疾依然存在。

    When apartheid is over the maladies will linger on .

  4. 医学的发达,使很多所谓痼疾都能治愈。

    Advances in medical science have made it possible to cure many so-called incurable diseases .

  5. 这老人因痼疾已卧床很久了。

    The old man was in bed with an obstinate disease .

  6. 担保圈风险是银行信贷管理的痼疾。

    Guarantee circle risk is inherent in the management of bank credit .

  7. 从女性心理痼疾看张爱玲小说的现实意义

    A practical significance of Zhang Ai-ling 's novel from female psychological obstinacy

  8. 悬灸三阴交治疗胎位不正临床观察灸治痼疾心得霍尔蒙古灸考

    Clinical Observations on Treatment of Fetal Malposition by Suspended Moxibustion over Sanyinjiao

  9. 财务亏空的痼疾就像浓雾一样笼罩了这个城市。

    The malaise of financial distress envelopes the city like a thick fog .

  10. 美国为什么摆脱不了大量进口石油的痼疾?

    Why America can 't stop importing oil heavily ?

  11. 慢性病患者,有痼疾的人口腔黏膜疾病临床病理诊断统计分析

    Study on the clinical and pathological diagnosis in patients with oral mucosal diseases

  12. 在我国的司法实践中,执行难堪称痼疾。

    In China Judicial practice , the " difficult to implement ," can be chronic .

  13. 同时,一些国有企业的痼疾在S集团仍然存在,而现有企业文化理念不能适应实际情况和发展需要。

    Meanwhile , there are still many problems of nationalized business existing in S Group .

  14. 贫困问题是困扰人类社会发展的痼疾。

    The problem of poverty as a disease which plagued the development of human society .

  15. 最后,笔者指出了英国足球文化中的两大痼疾:即足球流氓和种族问题,并分析了它们的成因。

    The thesis ends with a tentative analysis of the problems of British football culture .

  16. 这本《传奇》囊括了张爱玲对人性,尤其是对女性心理痼疾的仔细观察与理性思考。

    In this book she carefully discerned human nature , especially about chronic female mental illness .

  17. 内容摘要新闻造假现象一直是新闻业难以根治的痼疾。

    Pseudo event phenomenon always is chronic disease which the news industry permanently cures with difficulty .

  18. 政府已在着手消除经济领域里的这一痼疾。

    The government set out to remove the dead hand of the state from economic life .

  19. 总消费需求不足是我国当前宏观经济失衡的一个痼疾。

    Insufficient total demand of consumption is a headache amid the imbalanced macro-economic situation in China .

  20. 国有企业的效率低下,与其公司治理结构的痼疾有关。

    The inefficiency of state-owned enterprises has much to do with the structure of enterprise management .

  21. 经济法就是为了克服市场经济本身的痼疾而出现的法律部门。

    Economy law as a branch of law is overcoming the innate malady of market economy .

  22. 腐败已成痼疾。

    Corruption has become endemic .

  23. 垄断是市场经济自身无法克服的痼疾.破坏了公平与效率原则。

    Monopoly is the incurable disease of market economy , which breaks the fairness and efficiency principle .

  24. 凡是没有社会和文化痼疾的国家,也都必将出现这个过程。

    The process will inevitably continue in all countries which do not have intractable social and cultural handicaps .

  25. 这个短视的暂缓行为使得痼疾在身的一些银行例如花旗的股价得以大幅提升。

    The short-sighted reprieve led to a huge rally in the shares of stricken banks such as Citigroup .

  26. 它直接导致了立法、司法和行政执法上严重的轻程序现象,程序法意识的匮乏已成为制约我国法治进程的思想痼疾。

    The weakness of procedural consciousness has been the mental malady of restricting process of rule of law .

  27. 针对这一久治不愈痼疾的现状、失真类型,本文进行了综合剖析,并再次提出了治理对策。

    This paper gives an overall analysis on this chronic illness and suggests solution to deal with this problem .

  28. 这三大思潮势大力沉,荡涤了传统教育的痼疾弊病,引领了全球教育的发展走势。

    These powerful and influential thoughts have been destroying the conventional education harms , guiding the development of global education .

  29. 它是中国封建社会极为普遍的一种社会现象,是古代官僚政治的痼疾。

    As ancient bureaucrat 's political " chronic illness ", it is an extremely general phenomenon of Chinese feudal society .

  30. 因此,政府土地违法问题已成为社会发展的痼疾。

    And so the local governments ' violation of land laws has become the chronic malady of the social development .