
wèi shēnɡ yán jiū
  • institute of health
  1. 由老挝流行病学家和泰国临床医生采集的样本经泰国国立卫生研究院检测H5N1感染呈阳性。

    Samples taken by Lao epidemiologists and Thai clinicians were tested by the National Institute of Health in Thailand and were positive for H5N1 infection .

  2. 据报道,由于浸润性乳腺癌和心血管疾病危险性的增加,美国国立卫生研究院提前三年结束了已经进行了5.2年的HRT在健康绝经妇女更年期综合征的临床试验。

    Recently , the American National Institute of Health stopped a clinical trial with HRT in healthy postmenopausal women after 5.2 years more than 3 years earlier than planned due to an increased risk of invasive breast cancer and of cardiovascular risks .

  3. 这些研究由来自美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)的津贴资助。

    The studies were funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health .

  4. 上述两项研究都是由美国国家卫生研究院(theNationalInstitutesofHealth)所属的国家心脏、肺和血液研究所(theNationalHeart,Lung,andBloodInstitute,简称NHLBI)提供的资金支持。

    Both studies are funded by the National Heart , Lung , and Blood Institute , part of the National Institutes of Health .

  5. 美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)绩效管理研究

    Research on the Performance Management of American National Institutes of Health

  6. 这项研究是由来自卡内基梅隆大学、匹兹堡大学和弗吉尼亚大学的人员完成的,研究经费由美国国家卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)提供。

    The researchers were based at Carnegie Mellon , the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Virginia , and the study was funded by the National Institutes of Health .

  7. 这一事故将会在九月举行的美国国立卫生研究院顾问小组会议上讨论,FDA说。

    The incident will be discussed at a September meeting of a National Institutes of Health advisory panel , the FDA said .

  8. 国立卫生研究所研究员SeoNamkyu也认为,需要加大对私立部门的监管力度。

    Seo , from the Institute for National Health Insurance , believes the private sector needs greater regulation .

  9. 开放访问很有吸引力,并且得到了美国国立卫生研究院(nationalinstitutesofhealth)和英国惠康基金会(wellcometrust)等研究基金和英国政府的支持。

    Open access is appealing and is supported both by research funds , such as the US National Institutes of health and the UK Wellcome Trust , and by the UK government .

  10. 国立卫生研究院(NIH)曾长期资助卡佩奇和史密斯的研究工作,但也不尽然。

    The National Institutes of Health has long funded Capecchi 's and Smithies 's research , but not always .

  11. 这项研究得到了美国国立卫生研究院和DamonRunyon癌症研究基金会的赠款。

    The study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation .

  12. 本月早些时候,NIH宣布了为撒哈拉以南非洲的大学和卫生研究机构提供总计1.3亿美元的一系列教育和科研资助。

    Earlier this month the NIH announced a series of medical education and research grants worth US $ 130 million in total to universities and health institutes in Sub-Saharan Africa .

  13. Suchyna博士是单细胞生物物理学中心的助理研究教授,为本研究作了重大的贡献,研究由美国国家卫生研究院资助Sachs。

    D. , research assistant professor in the Center for Single Cell Biophysics , was a major contributor to this research , which is supported by a grant to Sachs from the National Institutes of Health .

  14. 例如,国际农业研究磋商组织(CGIAR)正在准备一个促进农业和卫生研究的项目。

    For example , the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research ( CGIAR ) is preparing a programme for agriculture and health research .

  15. 这项工作由国立卫生研究院(NIH)提供资金,在有关新的设计上,NIH与UCSB正在共同申请一项专利。

    The work is funded by the National Institutes of Health ( NIH ), and there is a patent pending jointly between NIH and UCSB on the new designs .

  16. 当国立卫生研究院的免疫学家DanielDouek,向研究小组的成员建议内毒素可能是一个关键原因,但一些人持怀疑态度。

    When Daniel Douek , an NIH immunologist suggested to members of the study team that endotoxins might be a key reason why , some were skeptical .

  17. 美国国家职业安全卫生研究所(NIOSH)主任约翰·霍华德(JohnHoward)也表示,这再次证实了我一贯的观点,即你对自己工作的控制感越强,你就越快乐。

    The survey , adds John Howard , director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health , 'reaffirms my view that the more control you have over your work , the happier you are . '

  18. 患者在每次DTI检查之间采用美国国立卫生研究院卒中评分(NIHSS)和Barthel生活指数(BI)评定卒中患者神经功能缺失和日常生活能力的情况。

    All the patients were evaluated with the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale ( NIHSS ) and the Barthel Index ( BI ) to assess the loss of neuron function and ability of daily life between each DTI .

  19. OswaldoSalaverry是秘鲁国立卫生研究院跨文化卫生国立中心主任。

    Oswaldo Salaverry is director of the National Centre for Intercultural Health at the National Health Institute in Peru .

  20. 1983年美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)正式确认肝移植是治疗各种原因引起终末期肝病的有效方法。

    American National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) has affirmed in due form that liver transplantation offers a lifesaving treatment for individuals with terminal disease since 1983 . Since 1995 , liver transplantation has been developing rapidly in China .

  21. 由肯尼亚医学研究院公共卫生研究中心的PaulineAndang'o领导的这项研究发表在了上周(5月26日)的《柳叶刀》杂志上。

    The study ― led by Pauline Andang'o of the Kenya Medical Research Institute ( KEMRI ), Centre for Public Health Research ( CPHR )― was published in The Lancet medical journal last week ( 26 May ) .

  22. 方法:分析165例CPPS患者的病史和实验室检查结果,依据美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)前列腺炎的诊断标准,对患者进行分类。

    Methods : According to National Institute Health ( NIH ) classification , 165 cases of chronic prostatitis were surveyed by analysis of their laboratory results and clinical history . In addition , the chronic prostatitis symptom index ( CPSI ) of each patient was evaluated .

  23. 同时担任南非研究伦理培训项目(SARETI)成员的Ijsselmuiden说,乌干达甚至没有一份卫生研究优先事项的清单。

    It lacks even a list of health research priorities , said Ijsselmuiden , who is also a member of the South African Research Ethics Training Initiative ( SARETI ) .

  24. 单位:二所大学的儿少卫生研究所。

    SETTING : Institute of health for child of two universities .

  25. 确定卫生研究优先领域的分析方法进展

    The Progress of Analysis Method of Priority Setting in Health Research

  26. 同&原料不同味型生食菜肴的卫生研究

    Hygienic study on different flavor types of the same material

  27. 21世纪初的芬兰劳动卫生研究所

    Finnish Institute of Occupational Health in the early 21st century

  28. 加强国家与国际合作问题是卫生研究中的中心议题。

    The central issue is governance and international cooperation in health research .

  29. 美国国立卫生研究院支付了研究费用。

    The United States National Institutes of Health paid for the study .

  30. 进入由美国国立卫生研究院开发的糖尿病字典。

    Access the diabetes dictionary developed by the US National Institutes of Health .