
  1. 卫生管理专业实施SDSR四阶式教学组织形式探析

    Research on SDSR teaching organizational form in health management teaching

  2. 目的:了解卫生管理专业教材使用的情况。

    To investigate the using conditions of specialized textbooks for health administration .

  3. 卫生管理专业在职研究生教育研究

    Graduate Training of In-service Personnel of Health Administration

  4. 在卫生管理专业进行《医学伦理学》教学改革探索

    Exploration in the Teaching Reform of Medical Ethics in the Department of Health Supervision

  5. 应用实验研究验证根据现代教育教学思想、卫生管理专业培养目标等设计的卫生管理专业以学生为中心教学模式的优越性与合理性、不足或有待于改进的地方;

    The new teaching model based on the modern educational theory and the goal of training health management students .

  6. 依据定性、定量调查结果,制定卫生管理专业本科毕业论文质量控制模式,并绘制模式图、明确运行步骤。

    Based on qualitative and quantitative research , control model of undergraduate thesis and working steps in health service management were proposed . The pattern was drawled .

  7. 新医改政策形势下卫生管理专业的发展要遵循科学发展的原则,实现立体式的发展模式。

    The new medical reform policy situation , the professional development of health management should follow the principle of scientific development to achieve three-dimensional models of development .

  8. 结论:卫生管理专业教材应统一规划和管理,以适应学科发展的需要和卫生管理专业人才培养的模式。

    Conclusions : Regular textbooks for health administration should be offered by the Ministry of Public Health to satisfy the need of the development and training of health administration .

  9. 结果:①卫生管理专业实施的以学生为中心的教学模式较之于传统的以教师为中心的教学模式,在不会偏废对书本知识学习的同时,更利于对学生管理素质和管理能力的培养;

    [ Results ] 1 . The new teaching model is superior to the traditional model . It is in favor of developing the students ' characters and capability of management while not abandoning the book learning at the same time .

  10. 基于STS教育思想的卫生事业管理专业人才培养研究

    A Research on Education of Health Management Professionals Based On STS

  11. 卫生事业管理专业本科教学存在的问题与对策

    Problems and Solutions of Undergraduate Teaching for Health Care Administration Major

  12. 卫生事业管理专业人才培养模式的改革研究

    Reform and Study on the Mode of the Hygiene Talented Person Development

  13. 卫生事业管理专业(本科)课程体系的研究

    The Research on Undergraduate Educational System for Health Service Management

  14. 卫生事业管理专业卫生经济学教学案例研究

    Teaching case study of health economics for undergraduates majoring in health administration

  15. 试论卫生事业管理专业中的法学课程设置

    On Curriculum Setting of Law in the specialty of Public Health Management

  16. 卫生事业管理专业人才职业适应能力培养

    The training on vocational adaptability of health service management professionals

  17. 军队社会医学与卫生事业管理专业硕士课程设置的调查

    Analysis about the evaluation to the curriculums setting of graduates of military health administration

  18. 我国卫生事业管理专业课程体系研究

    Research on Chinese Health Management Course System

  19. 卫生事业管理专业的人才培养模式初探

    Talent Cultivating Mode of Health Management

  20. 文章结合我院实际,对卫生信息管理专业课程设置、专业发展建设目标等方面提出若干建议。

    In light of the actual , this paper proposes some ideas on the curriculum , constructing target for medical information management Specialty .

  21. 目的对卫生事业管理专业期刊利用现状进行统计分析,提出提高专业期刊利用率的相关措施。

    Objective To analyze the utilizing rate of professional periodicals related to health management and put forward managements in order to increase the utilization rate of periodicals .

  22. 文章分析了信息管理专业的诞生背景与卫生信息管理专业的发展现状,讨论了卫生信息管理专业的课程设置及其人才培养方式,阐明了卫生信息管理专业的发展趋势。

    This paper analyzed the information management specialty birth background as well as the development present situation , discussed the health information management specialty curriculum and the talented person raising pattern , expounded the health information management specialty development tendency .

  23. 卫生事业管理本科专业建设的现状分析与对策构想

    Undergraduate Specialty Construction of Health Service Management : Analysis of the Present Condition and Countermeasures

  24. 同时,卫生信息化管理和专业人才缺乏,卫生信息化对卫生事业改革发展的技术支撑作用和推动作用难以得到充分发挥。

    At the same time , the deficiency of professionals in health information management is hindering the health information from fully promoting the development of the medical and health system reform from technique aspect .