
  • 网络Sanitary ware;sanitaryware
  1. 钢铁制卫生器具及其零件。

    Sanitary ware and parts thereof , of iron or steel .

  2. 对卫生器具预算定额的技术经济评价

    Technology and economy evaluation to budget quota of sanitary utensil

  3. 陶瓷卫生器具,用于连接供水排水系统

    Ceramic sanitary fixture for connection to water or sewage systems

  4. 室内陶瓷卫生器具,瓷制,用于连接供水排水系统

    Ceramic sanitary fixture of porcelain or china indoor for connection to water or sewage systems

  5. 卫生器具存水弯水封被破坏的治理

    The Measure to Solving the Damaged Water Seal of Sanitary Equipments ' Water Storing Elbows

  6. 文中根据不同给水方式,提供了卫生器具种类、数量及立管布置均对称的算例。

    In the article the examples of the kind and number of sanitary fixtures are given .

  7. 本文通过例题介绍室内卫生器具非对称布置的水平单环、竖向单环和竖向多环三种给水管网的水力计算方法。

    This article is to offer the hydraulic calculation method of indoor non-sanitary fixtures to one horizontal and one or more vertical closed arcuit water supply pipe system through examples .

  8. 指出了用概率方法计算能反映不同类型用水单位组合、单位器具负荷用户数和卫生器具数量等因素对设计流量的影响。

    The design flow rate calculated by the probability method has already considered the effects of combination of different consumption units , consumption loading per unit and the total amount of sanitary fittings .

  9. 结合给排水的设计工作,分析了目前水资源浪费存在的问题,从推广优质给水管材、节水型卫生器具、采取减压措施等方面,提出了建筑节水设计措施。

    Combined with design work of water drainage , it analyzes problems in water waste at present and puts forward water-saving design measures of architecture from aspects of popularization of optimum water tube 、 water-saving toilet instruments and adoption of pressure-decreasing measures .

  10. 在《建筑给水排水设计规范》规定的参数范围内,通过对排水立管的计算,绘制了工程设计中常见的卫生器具配置模式下的立管选用表。

    Within the range of parameters required by the Design Norm of Water Supply and Drainage of Buildings a selection table of drainage stack for various apparatus common in engineering design has been provided by means of hydraulic calculation of drainage stack .

  11. 建筑内部卫生器具的排水跟给水相似,是一个随机变量,且卫生器具的使用互不影响因此,可用概率法建立的数学模型来描述卫生器具排水这一随机事件。

    The process of supplying water is a random variable that the use of sanitary wares has no influence on the one anther , so does domestic drainage . So , it 's reasonable to employ probability method to describe the process of drainage .

  12. 通过实例计算,分析了使用保证率和卫生器具放水使用概率对设计秒流量的影响,与平方根法和已有概率法作了比较,说明了该方法的合理性和通用性。

    Through case studies , this paper analysed the effecs of the guarantee rate of utilization and water probability of sanitary fittings on the flowrate , compared with the square root method and the existing probability method , and illustrated the rationality and practicability of this method .

  13. 简述了建筑安装工程中室内排水管道堵塞的原因,介绍了乙字管、存水弯水封、卫生器具的就位等关键环节的技术措施,以搞好管道安装,满足用户的使用要求。

    The reasons caused the blocking of discharge pipe in indoor installation works are briefly introduced . Technical measures about the installation of sigmoid pipe , trap water seals , sanitary apparatus and other parts are introduced in order to instruct the installation of pipes and meet requirements of users .

  14. 我国社区医疗的发展已成必然趋势,其医疗设备计量准确与否是取得公众信任的重要基础,加强社区医疗卫生机构计量器具的强制检定刻不容缓。

    As the developing of community medical service have been the inevitable trend , accuracy of the measuring instruments is the important basis to get public trusting .