
  • 网络dempster;Shafer-Dempster
  1. 登普斯特曾经参与开发MINIE。这辆电动汽车于2008年面世,在公司的600多名测试驾驶员中引起了轰动。

    Dempster worked on the MINI E , an electric car that rolled out in 2008 and was a big hit among the company 's more than 600 test-drivers .

  2. 通过建立信度函数模型把指标评价建模为信度函数,并应用登普斯特(Dempster)规则转化为mass函数合成为上层指标进行综合评价。

    This paper transfers index evaluation into belief function by setting up belief function , and then make them transfer mass function to form higher-level index to comprehensive evaluation based on Dempster Rule .

  3. 针对机载雷达信号的复杂性和模糊性等特点,提出一种D-S(登普斯特-谢弗)证据理论和模糊理论组合应用的方法用于对机载雷达的识别。

    Facing the complexity and fuzziness of the airborne radar signals , this paper presents a method which applies the combination of Dempster-Shafer evidence theory and fuzzy theory in recognizing airborne radar signals .

  4. 杀马格努斯的人可能也杀了登普斯特。

    Whoever had killed Magnus had probably killed Dempster as well .

  5. 登普斯特一家平安返回伦敦,但是不见了他们的行李。

    The Dempster family arrived back in England safely but minus their luggage .

  6. 多传感器信息融合的谢弗-登普斯特方法

    Shafer-Dempster Method of Data Fusion in Multisensor System

  7. 登普斯特说,太阳树能够产生足够的电力(以千瓦时为单位)来驱动宝马的电动汽车。

    This solar tree , Dempster says , produces enough electricity ( in kilowatt-hours ) to power one of BMW 's electric vehicles .

  8. 登普斯特说,当然,调整计算公式也很重要,以免这些信息促使驾驶员在信号灯变红前加大油门冲刺。

    Of course , Demptster says , it 's important to fine-tune the formula so the display doesn 't encourage drivers to gun it to beat a red .