
  • 网络White Nile River;The White Nile
  1. 在苏丹首都,另一条名为青尼罗河的大河与白尼罗河汇合。

    At Sudan 's capital , another great river called the Blue Nile joins the White Nile .

  2. 尼罗河的主要支流白尼罗河发源于位于非洲中东部的世界第二大淡水湖维多利亚湖的正上方。

    The main branch of the Nile , the White Nile , starts just above Lake Victoria , the world 's second largest fresh-water lake , in east central Africa .

  3. 青尼罗河和白尼罗河在什么地方汇合?

    Where does the Blue Nile meet the White Nile ?

  4. 而这些仅是白尼罗河一岸的景况。

    And that is just on one side of the White Nile .

  5. 苏丹共和国新白尼罗河大桥施工高程控制

    Construct altitude control of New White Nile River in the republic of Sudan

  6. 苏丹首都,位于青尼罗河与白尼罗河交汇处。

    The capital of Sudan located at the confluence of the Blue Nile and White Nile .

  7. 尼罗河是由卡盖拉河、白尼罗河、青尼罗河三条河流汇流而成。

    The Kagera River Nile , the White Nile , Blue Nile convergence from the three rivers .

  8. 产于白尼罗河河谷地域的大型似鹤鸟,宽嘴形似木鞋子。

    Large stork-like bird of the valley of the White Nile with a broad bill suggesting a wooden shoe .

  9. 毋庸置疑,尼罗河是世界上最长的河。其两个主要的支流分别为白尼罗河和青尼罗河。

    Undoubtedly , it is the world 's longest river and has two major tributaries which are White Nile and Blue Nile .

  10. 其它病例发生在白尼罗河、南达尔福尔、南科尔多凡、卡萨拉、红海、阿尔吉齐拉和尼罗河。

    The remaining cases have occurred in White Nile , South Darfur , South Kordofan , Kassala , Red Sea , Al Gezira and River Nile .

  11. 直到1839年,土耳其人军官萨利姆遵循埃及统治者穆罕默德·阿里的命令,率领舰队沿白尼罗河溯流而上,成功进入南苏丹后,该地区的封闭状态才逐渐被打破。

    An expedition commanded by Salim , a Turkish frigate captain , left Khartoum with orders from Muhammad Ali , ruler of Egypt , to explore the White Nile in 1839 . Since then , the closed state in the region had gradually been broken .

  12. 我们坐在铺着软垫的甲板上,躲在帆布篷遮蔽的阴凉中,看着让太阳光晒得白花花的尼罗河河岸像一部美丽而多彩的无声电影从我们眼前掠过。

    We sat on the cushioned deck , in the shade of a canopy , as the sun-bleached shores of the Nile went by like a beautiful , colorful silent film .