
  1. 浅说大理白族建筑的文化特质

    A Remark on the cultural Traits of Dali Bai National Architecture

  2. 大理白族建筑具有显著的民族特色,在中华民族建筑中享有盛誉。

    Dali Bai people 's architecture , with its distinct minority'characteristics , bas long been highly reputed in the architecture of china .

  3. 本文从文化角度阐述了白族建筑特色怎样植根于本土文化沃土,广泛吸收外来文化并经创新而形成。

    This paper elaborates from a cultural perspective bow these characteristics were evolved into new shape out of the native culture while extensively assimilating alien culture .

  4. 总结出白族建筑遵从自然,融入自然,与自然充分和谐以及体现了白族人民典雅、素净、细腻、宁静的审美意识的特点。

    It concludes that Bai people 's architecture follows nature , merges harmoniously into nature , nature , thus fully embodying Bai people 's aesthetic tastes-elegant , quiet , exquisite and peaceful .

  5. 大理白族民居建筑是白族先民们经过上千年创造并汲取各族优秀建筑文化智慧的结晶。

    The Dali Bai national residence construction is Bai national minority ancients who created over thousand years and derived from various races outstanding construction culture wisdom .

  6. 尤其是分布于广大乡村的众多普通白族民居建筑群,数量日益减少,类型日趋混乱,而特色也日渐消失。

    Especially many ordinary Bai residential buildings in the villages have had dwindling number and increasingly confusing type , and the characteristics have also been gradually disappearing .

  7. 是以当下这个时间点为前提,界定白族民居建筑发展过程中被人们继承的部分,和摒弃的部分。

    Is the premise of this time , the definition of bai local-style dwelling houses building development is in the process of the inheritance of the part of the people , and abandon the part .

  8. 本文通过对大理白族地区民居建筑作的实地调研,从平面布局、构建方式和外部造型视觉特征方面分析民居现状及成因。

    This article through to Dali bai local-style dwelling houses building area of the field survey , from the plane layout , construction mode and external modelling visual characteristics analysis residence status and causes .

  9. 通过以上章节抽丝剥茧分析与总结,带入当下解决实际问题的方法&通用化的道路,创造出一个高度秩序化的现代白族新民居建筑。

    Through the above analysis and summary section cobwebs , into the solution actual problem , the methods of universal way , create a highly rules of the modern bai local-style dwelling houses building new .

  10. 对大理地区的白族村落的民居建筑实地调查研究。

    To Dali bai village area of residential building investigation .