
  • 网络white lake;Weissensee;Lake Beloye
  1. 家住密歇根白湖的詹姆斯-迈克尔-哈伦是一名疯狂的赛车粉丝,展会设计师出身的他历时三年制作出了一组长约45米、高约75厘米的室内赛车模型轨道。

    James-Michael Harlan , an exhibition designer and car fanatic from White Lake , Michigan , spent three years making out a145-feet long , 2.5-feet high Scalextric track .

  2. 白湖圩区春玉米田杂草种类调查

    The Investigation of Kinds of Weeds in Spring - maize Field in Baihu Area

  3. 根据我的观察所及,白湖的情形也如此。

    The same is true , as far as my observation goes , of White Pond .

  4. 湖北省海口湖、太白湖与武山湖水生植物多样性的比较研究

    A comparative study of aquatic plant diversity of Haikou , Taibai and Wushan Lake in Hubei Province of China

  5. 我们还有另一个这样的湖,在九亩角那里的白湖,在偏西两英里半之处;

    We have one other pond just like this , White Pond , in Nine Acre Corner , about two and a half miles westerly ;

  6. 白湖属沿江圩区,其水直播稻田杂草的发生与危害规律为:杂草共127种,隶属37科,90属,占全国稻田杂草总数的98.45%;

    There were 127 species of weeds found in Baihu & a low lying paddy field surrounded with dykes along the Yangtze River , which were classified into 37 families and 90 genera .