
  • 网络sogatella furcifera;sogatella furcifera horvath;wbph;horvath
  1. 就白背飞虱抗药性的发展趋势进行了讨论。

    The development of insecticide resistance in Sogatella furcifera was discussed .

  2. 结果表明健康稻株挥发物对褐飞虱、白背飞虱具有明显的引诱作用。

    Results showed that volatiles of health rice attracted BPH and WBPH apparently .

  3. 白背飞虱在用呋喃丹处理过TN1根部的稻株上的取食行为也采用一种电子装置进行了监测。

    Feeding behaviour of S.furcifera on TN1 plants treated at the root zone was also investigated using an electronic device .

  4. 白背飞虱的生物学和生态学研究

    Biology and ecology of the white back planthopper in Henan Province

  5. 结果表明,春江06高抗白背飞虱。

    Results showed that CJ-06 was highly resistant to WBPH .

  6. 白背飞虱卵在春江06的水渍状产卵部位有很高的死亡率。

    WBPH eggs showed a high mortality in watery lesions at oviposition sites of CJ-06 .

  7. 这些发现表明抗白背飞虱基因在中国存在于同一生态区的粳稻地方品种中。

    This finding indicated that WBPH resistance genes were retained in sympatric japonica landraces in China .

  8. 在自由选择的试验条件下,选择春江06的白背飞虱数量显著地低于选择汕优63的。

    Under a free-choice experimental condition , significantly fewer WBPHs alighted on CJ-06 than on SY-63 .

  9. 第4代白背飞虱与第5代褐飞虱发生程度及发生期预测模型

    Occurrence of 4th Generation White-backed Plant-hopper and 5 ~ ( th ) Generation Brown Plant-hopper and the Occurrence Prediction Model

  10. 白背飞虱在杂交稻及其亲本上的产卵量和卵发育率没有显著差异。

    There were no significant difference on number of eggs-laying and percentage of egg developed between hybrids and their parents .

  11. 表明与施化肥相比,施有机肥明显不利于白背飞虱种群的增长。

    It was concluded that , as compared with chemical fertilizer , organic manure was evidently unsuitable for S.furcifera population development .

  12. 电子记录技术为快速、准确检测白背飞虱种群致害性及监测其变化提供了一种新的手段。

    Electronic monitoring system provided a new means for rapidly and accurately detecting the virulence and monitoring its change of S.furcifera field population .

  13. 迁入的白背飞虱拒绝在春江06上着陆,也不能在其上繁殖种群;而白背飞虱更趋向于在汕优63上定居,并繁殖良好。

    WBPH immigrants rejected to land and failed to establish colonies on CJ-06 , while they preferred to settle and well reproduced on SY-63 .

  14. 取食感虫水稻的白背飞虱飞行能力和再迁飞能力较强,再迁飞的比率也较高(>5%)。

    The individuals feeding on the hopper_sensitive varieties showed higher proportion of the re_migratory type ( > 5 % ) and stronger ability of migration .

  15. 由于它从中国南部杂交稻种植区大范围迁飞,白背飞虱也成为中国中部地区粳稻上的重要害虫。

    WBPH also became an economic insect pest of japonica rice in Central China due to its massive displacement from hybrid rice area in South China .

  16. 如果让刚羽化的白背飞虱在春江06上连续取食和产卵的话,其产卵能力和卵孵化能力明显降低。

    Both fecundity and egg hatchability were markedly reduced on CJ-06 , when newly emerged WBPH females continuously fed and were allowed to oviposit in it .

  17. 这表明旺盛生长的植株能诱导白背飞虱的产卵行为,但由于某些拒避性因素使整个产卵过程不能完成。

    It suggested that oviposition behavior itself was normally induced on the fully-grown rice , but the entire process was not completed due to some deterring factors .

  18. 因此,混植抗感白背飞虱水稻材料可以有效地抑制白背飞虱的发生,还可以保证水稻产量不受损失。

    Therefore , planting the mixture of resistant and susceptible rice materials to S.furcifera could efficiently suppress the development of S.furcifera and secured rice yield without losses .

  19. 卵期至1龄若虫和4~5龄若虫期是影响季节、代次间白背飞虱累计存活率变动的两个关键时期;

    Key factor analysis showed that survivals during hatching to the 1st instar nymph , and the 4th-5th instar were the two key periods for cumulative survival of the planthopper .

  20. 最后,就白背飞虱不同种群抗药性水平及其相关酶活性的地区差异性与该飞虱长距离迁飞的关系进行了讨论。

    Finally , The relationship between the long-distance migration and the territorial difference in insecticide resistant level and activityes of the enzymes in the populations of this planthopper was discussed .

  21. 较多的农家肥配合少量的氮素化肥,既可以减少白背飞虱田间发生量,又有利于提高水稻产量。

    It could not only lessen the field population density of S.furcifera but also raise the rice yield to apply more farm manure combined with a small amount nitrogen fertilizer .

  22. 当面对人口的增长和气候变化等这些严肃问题的时候,白背飞虱造成的危害已经很大程度上影响到很多国家的粮食产量和安全性。

    The damage caused by this insect has greatly affected sustainable rice production and food security in various countries when the world is facing serious challenges such as increasing human population and climate change .

  23. 我国白背飞虱和褐稻虱迁飞路径的气流分析气温变化对福建褐稻虱发生与危害的影响

    A STUDY OF UPPER WINDS ANALYSIS FOR THE MIGRATORY PATH OF THE WHITE-BACK PLANT HOPPER AND THE BROWN PLANT HOPPER IN CHINA Effect of air temperature fluctuation on the occurrence and harm of brown planthopper in Fujian province

  24. 在全国科研协作期间,各地根据其地形特点设立大型高山捕虫网,对迁飞性昆虫在我国上空的飞行动态进行研究,尤其是白背飞虱和褐飞虱。

    During the research collaboration in the country , Many large alpine insect nets were established according to topographical features across the country , and were used to observe the flight dynamics of migratory insects , especially white-backed planthopper and brown planthopper .

  25. 发现3种稻飞虱的卵孵化率在变温下暴露5天,10天后,除白背飞虱卵孵化率在10天处理下比对照下降30%外,其他几种处理均和对照无显著差异;

    No significant differences were observed for egg-hatching rates when eggs were exposed at fluctuating temperature environment for 5d and 10d , except hatching rage of S. furcifera eggs exposed at fluctuating temperature for 10d , which was 30 % lower than control .

  26. 存活分析表明:白背飞虱的死亡主要发生在孵化期,从初产卵至成虫初期的累计存活率,早稻上为2%~18%,晚稻上为1%~7%;

    The stage to stage survival analysis showed that the most mortality occurred around hatching , and cumulative from egg to pre-adult survivorship was estimated as 2 % - 18 % in the early rice and 1 % - 7 % in the late rice .