
bái yī
  • white clothing ;of medical profession;white overall (of a doctor or nurse) :
白衣 [bái yī]
  • (1) [white]∶白色衣服

  • 新娘身穿白衣

  • (2) [commoner without rank] [古]∶平民;未曾获得功名的人

  • (3) [low official]∶古代官府中的小吏

  1. 幕间休息时,一位身着白衣的金发男孩用长笛为来宾演奏了一支小夜曲。

    In the interval a blond boy dressed in white serenaded the company on the flute

  2. 他们看起来像是盛装打扮了一番,女孩子们身着洁白的裙子,男孩子们一身白衣黑裤。

    They looked as if they were dressed in their Sunday best , the girls in clean white dresses , the boys in dark trousers and plain white shirts .

  3. 图画中的天使通常身穿白衣

    Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed in white .

  4. 恰好遇上天下雨,他就脱掉白衣穿上黑衣服回家。

    It happened to rain , so he took3 off4 his white clothes and changed into black clothes and went home .

  5. 我们的另一位白衣骑士是财政部长G·威廉·米勒。

    Our other white knight was G. William Miller , secretary of the treasury .

  6. 碧昂斯身穿半透明的白衣,在挥手致意的伴唱团陪伴下,演唱了福音赞美歌曲《亲爱的主,拉住我的手》(PreciousLord,TakeMyHand)。

    Beyonc é sang the gospel hymn " Precious Lord , Take My Hand , " dressed in diaphanous white and surrounded by a company with outstretched hands .

  7. C罗已经为白衣军团在西班牙顶级联赛中打入230个进球,打破赛季初在皇马两场比赛的进球荒。

    Ronaldo , who has reached 230 goals for Los Blancos in the Spanish top flight , was in rampant form having failed to score in Real 's opening two league games .

  8. 事实上,美国企业界在这方面早已有了身着闪闪铠甲的白衣骑士典范&前德尔福(Delphi)首席执行官史蒂夫•米勒,他在职业生涯中曾多次在最后时刻成功拯救陷于绝境的企业。

    In fact , corporate America has its own knight in shining armor in that category : former Delphi CEO Steve miller , who 's made a career out of last-minute rescues of ailing corporations .

  9. 卡帕萨家族的女族长西尼奥拉·卡帕萨(SignoraCapasa)穿着一袭白衣,白发长辫垂在背上,时尚得令人难以置信。

    Dressed all in white , a long white braid down her back , Signora Capasa , the matriarch of the family , is impossibly chic .

  10. 清明节,用户们涌向这家网站,敬献成千上万的虚拟祭品,这些祭品从GIF格式的白荷花、到身穿白衣的鼓手、再到逝者生前最喜欢的食物,可谓应有尽有。

    For Qing Ming , users flooded the site with tens of thousands of virtual tributes , spanning everything from GIFs of animated white lotuses to drummers dressed in white or pictures of departed ones ' favorite foods .

  11. 不要忘了,那个穿白衣的女孩是我的。

    Don 't forget , the giri in white is mine .

  12. 热门经理人往往会掉入白衣骑士陷阱。

    Hot new hires often fall into the White Knight trap .

  13. 穿着白衣游行前进,宣称选举权。

    marching together in white dresses as they claimed the franchise .

  14. 护士的形体是白衣天使的外在形象,是护士整体素质的一部分。

    The outside image is a part of a nurses overall quality .

  15. 但给我印象的是中国的白衣天使。

    But I am most impressed by the Chinese doctors .

  16. 在图画中的天使通常是身穿白衣,生有翅膀

    Angel is usually show in picture dress in white , with wing

  17. 有个身穿白衣的妇人向我走来。

    A woman dressed in white came up to me .

  18. 然这位白衣天使却义无反顾地选择了大爱。

    Ran the angels in white but not hesitate to choose love .

  19. 一位白衣少女漫步于海边的木板路上。

    A maid in white is walking along the boardwalk .

  20. 华林招募了一支2000人的白衣清洁工大军

    Waring recruits an army of 2000 sanitation workers in white uniforms .

  21. 他的事业建立在自己扮演白衣骑士的基础上。

    He built his career on being the white knight .

  22. 半路杀出个白衣骑士,拯救被压迫�

    The white knight swooping in to save the disenfranchised .

  23. 我们就称呼那些存在为伟大的白衣兄弟成员。

    We would call those beings members of the Great White Brotherhood .

  24. 从此,这个白衣女孩经常出现在我的梦中。

    Since then I often see her in my dreams .

  25. 看见有一个穿着闪闪发光的白衣的美丽孩子坐在她们睡的地方旁边。

    Saw a beautiful child dressed in shining white sitting near their couch .

  26. 我听说有个白衣骑士可以陪你。

    I hear there 's a white knight available .

  27. 那么,什么样的经理人才是理想的白衣骑士呢?

    So what kind of an executive makes for an ideal white knight ?

  28. 伟大的白衣团体与种族或者肤色无关。

    The Great White Brotherhood has nothing to do with race or color .

  29. 用竹筷子轻刮鱼表皮的白衣。

    Use a bamboo chopstick to wipe the skin .

  30. 美丽的白衣天使,祝福你!

    Best blessing to you ! My dearest dad !