
bái tiě
  • galvanized iron;tin plate
白铁[bái tiě]
  1. 房子的顶部是用白铁制造的。

    This section 's roof is made of galvanized iron .

  2. 他总算还保住了那个白铁罐子。

    Somehow he had succeeded in retaining the tin bucket .

  3. 硫化物亚期细分为石英闪锌矿黄铁矿阶段与方铅矿闪锌矿白铁矿方解石石英阶段。

    The sulfides sub-period is broken down into quartz-sphalerite-pyrite and galena-sphalerite-marcasite-calcite-quartz stage .

  4. 白铁工奴隶匠修补旧损桎梏。

    A tinkering slave-maker , who mends old chains .

  5. 水解酪蛋白铁的制备及其稳定性的研究

    Investigation on Preparation and Stability of Iron Casein Hydrolysate

  6. 通常是指外形上带有平行的突起和凹陷的白铁钢板。

    Usually galvanized sheet iron or sheet steel shaped into straight parallel ridges and hollows .

  7. 镀锌铁皮,白铁皮洋铁碗可曾收到了没有?

    Had he received the tin bowls ?

  8. 沿路而下,只见太阳猛烈地照射在一个谷仓门上的白铁招牌上。

    Far down the road the sun glared cruelly against a tin sign nailed to a barn .

  9. 矿化富集与含金玉髓状石英细脉或细网脉、黄铁一白铁矿脉和碳酸盐脉的发育程度密切相关。

    The enrichment of mineralization is closely related to gold-bearing quartz veins , pyrite veins and carbonate veins .

  10. 在这个以打鱼为生的村落,用白铁做屋顶的木房子都建在桩柱上,为的是防止房屋被海水淹没。

    The tin-roofed wooden houses in this fishing community are built on stilts to prevent them from being submerged by water .

  11. 尼摩船长给我看一个白铁盒,上面印有法国国徽的标记,全都被盐水所侵蚀了。

    Captain Nemo showed me a tin box , stamped with the coat of arms of France and all corroded by salt water .

  12. 在双方并重之下,每当夏季黄昏,他总提着一把绿漆白铁喷壶去浇他的花畦。

    And , without ever failing in these two respects , he watered his flower-beds every summer evening with a tin watering-pot painted green .

  13. 矿石的矿物共生组合为闪锌矿方铅矿少量黄铁矿少量白铁矿方解石,不含石英。

    Sulfide ore bodies are mainly composed of galena , sphalerite , calcite and minor amounts of pyrite and marcasite , with no quartz .

  14. 后来,他收集了一堆,就升起一蓬火一蓬不旺的,冒着黑烟的火并且放了一白铁罐子水在上面煮着。

    When he had gathered a heap he built a fire , - a smouldering , smudgy fire , - and put a tin pot of water on to boil .

  15. 实际上,我们的成就甚至从来也没有超越第一个月球基地,这和征服宇宙的标准相比,实在是太过渺小了,就象是在后院扔了一个镀锡的白铁罐一样。

    Indeed , we never even made it past first base on the moon , which is a feeble effort by cosmic standards & like chucking tin cans across the backyard .

  16. 这里有一小排房屋,房屋前面是一片污秽的土地;房屋与房屋之间被旧的门、楼板、涂了柏油的帆布片和枯死的矮树丛隔开,缝隙里塞上没有底的白铁壶和不堪使用的铁制火炉围栏。

    It was a little row of houses , with little squalid patches of ground before them , fenced off with old doors , barrel staves , scraps of tarpaulin , and dead bushes ;