
bái xún
  • Chinese paddlefish
  1. 白鲟生长速度快,特别在第一年其长度生长最为突出。

    The rate of growth of the Chinese paddlefish appears to be rapid , especially in the first year of life .

  2. 研究小组在中国长江进行了三年的调查,没有找到也没抓到一条白鲟。

    A three-year quest to find the giant Chinese paddlefish in the Yangtze river failed to sight or catch a single individual .

  3. 白鲟、达氏鲟线粒体DNA全序列及鲟形目分子进化研究

    The Studies of the Complete Mitochondrial DNA of Chinese Paddlefish ( Psephurus Gladius ) and Yangtze Sturgeon ( Acipenser Dabryanus ) and Molecular Evolutionary Patterns in Acipenseriformes

  4. 一些鳍刺类鱼,包括白鲟和鲟鱼,也有这样的探测神经。

    Some ray-finned fish , including paddlefish and sturgeon , also retained these receptors .

  5. 为了能赶到每年的白鲟捕捞季节开幕式,我们开车违反了所有的车速限制

    We violate all speed limits ... to catch the opening of the annual paddlefish snagging season

  6. 他们还发现了有些人用牛奶来冒充羊奶奶酪、用便宜的密西西比白鲟鱼籽来做所谓的鲟鳇鱼子酱。

    A supposed sheep 's milk cheese was actually from cows . And alleged sturgeon caviar was just cheap Mississippi paddlefish eggs .

  7. 世界上鲟鱼和白鲟渔业,并着重讨论该鱼类资源在我国的开发和利用。

    The fisheries of sturgeons and paddlefishes in the world , special discussion exploitation and utilization for these fishes resource in China .

  8. 可不幸的是,工程同样会排走当地野生物保护区庞大的沼泽地里(黑熊、鳄鱼和白鲟鱼栖息处)的水。像克拉林顿和布林克利的沼泽小城黑黢黢的,穷得叮当响。

    Unfortunately , it would also divert water from the region 's huge , swampy wildlife refuges , home to black bears and alligators and the pallid sturgeon .

  9. 试图对现有的机械进行改进,使其更有效率;世界上大多数现存的白鲟鱼子酱是苏联和伊朗生产的。

    An attempt to refine the existent machinery to make it more efficient ; much of the beluga caviar existing in the world is found in the Soviet Union and Iran .

  10. 以不同含量的D-葡萄糖(0%,7%,14%,21%,28%和35%)饲料饲喂白鲟稚鱼8周。

    Juvenile white sturgeon ( Acipenser transmontanus ) were fed different levels ( 0 % , 7 % , 14 % , 21 % , 28 % , 35 % ) of dietary D-glucose for 8 weeks .

  11. 在难以令人信服的动员讲话之后,罗森施特拉赫鼓励你用她的方法切洋葱,满足挑剔的食客,尝试她的菜谱&甜味烤三文鱼和白鲟凤尾鱼扁豆汤。

    After that thin buck-up speech , you 're encouraged to embrace Rosenstrach 's strategies for cutting up onions and enlightening picky eaters , along with her recipes for Sweet Barbecue Salmon and Beluga Lentil Soup With Anchovies .