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  1. 百神齐聚,五教共存&昭通五大宗教地名

    Hundred Gods Assemble and Five Religions Coexist & Zhaotong place-names with the five religions

  2. 企业生产的“乐乐百神”牌洗洁精:浓缩配方,洁污特强;安全卫生;性质温和、不伤手。

    " Joy Baishen " detergent produced by our company has the characteristics of concentrated prescription , strong decontamination , safety and sanitation , mild kind and not hurting hands .

  3. 毫无疑问,我们的神是一个厚赐百物的神。

    There is no doubt we have a giving God .

  4. 在玛拉基之后的400百年里,神没有向人类给出任何启示。

    After Malachi , there was no more revelation from God for400 years .