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lǎo fù
  • father
老父 [lǎo fù]
  • [oldman; ones elder; one's senior; father] 对老年男子的尊称

  • 俄有老父至。--三国魏. 邯郸淳《笑林》

  1. 他惦念老父,挂念老母。

    He missed his father ; he longed for his mother .

  2. 得了你是为了救老父一命

    Hey , come on . You went to save your father 's life .

  3. 你或许从你老父那里听说过。

    As you probably heard from your old man .

  4. 唐传奇《东城老父传》的作者当是陈鸿,唐并无陈鸿祖其人。

    The novel of Tang Dynasty biography of Jia Chang was written by Chen Hong There was no Chen Hongzu in Tang Dynasty .

  5. 女儿是她老父长期生活中唯一的焦点,他对这份感情,很难忘怀。

    The daughter has been the sole focus of her father 's life for so long , he has a hard time letting go .

  6. 她那诚实的老父也许还没有看出这些征兆,但无疑地,这些征兆并没有逃过这个赢得她芳心的小伙子的那双眼睛。

    Her honest father may not have observed these symptoms , but they were assuredly not thrown away upon the man who had won her affections .

  7. 如果有一天,你发现老父老母的一些习惯不再是习惯时,就像他们不再想要天天洗澡时

    IF one day , you discover that your parents certian habit no longer their habit now , just like they don 't wish to take their shower everyday

  8. 吴顺(梁家辉饰)乃厂佬一名,成家后已十多年未有回家探望老父(冯淬帆饰)。

    Shun Wu ( Tony Leung Ka Fai decoration ) is a plant man , married ten years have failed to return after visiting his father ( Stanley Fung decoration ) . The U.

  9. 老妈:从前你会强迫我吃粽子.而今,孩儿不在母亲身边,用短信编织一个虚拟的粽子送给您,祈天下老父老母平安!

    Mom : I used to force you to eat dumplings . Today , Haier is not the mother who , by weaving a message sent to your virtual dumplings , Mr Laofulaomu world peace !

  10. 这部电影的背景设定在中国古代,刘亦菲饰演的年轻女子花木兰为了让老父免于从军,将自己伪装成一名士兵。

    Set in ancient China , it follows a young woman , Mulan , played by Crystal Liu , who disguises herself as a warrior to spare her aged father from going into the military .

  11. 如今老人常常被冷落,还有的把父母送进养老院,这样做的目的并不是为了更好地照顾父母,而是因为这些子女觉得老父老母妨碍了他们的生活。

    Elderly people today are often neglected or shipped to nursing homes , not because this is really needed for the proper care of the parent , but because the children do not want to be bothered .

  12. 又过了半年的时间。“你一定得找一天回家去看看你的老父老母,小英娥!”她的女主人对她说道。“这里有一大块小麦面包,你可以拿回去给他们;看见你他们会很高兴的。”

    Another half-year went by , and her mistress said , " you ought to go home again , and visit your parents , Inge , and I will give you a large wheaten loaf to take to them , they will be glad to see you , I am sure . "