
  1. 今天,我们要谈的是老友记第一季中非常有趣的一段对话。

    Today , our topic would be about the scene of the famous drama Friends .

  2. 本论文选取《老友记》第一季中的道歉言语行为为研究对象,对其进行了语用研究。

    This thesis takes the speech act of apology in the first season of Friends as research target and conducts a pragmatic study .

  3. 它将美国情景喜剧《老友记》(第一季)中的言语幽默按照不同的技巧进行了分类,旨在说明关联理论对言语幽默的产生和理解的解释作用。

    It sorts out the verbal humors used in the sitcom Friends ( Season One ) according to different techniques with the purpose to prove the fact that RT has a powerful explanation function in producing and understanding the verbal humor .