
  1. 许多人都认为养育一个孩子是使得自己老有所依的唯一方法。

    Many think raising a child is the only way for them to have a stable retirement .

  2. 其结果是,大多数澳洲就业者,总数超过800万人,现在人人都有个人储备帐户为他们老有所依。

    The upshot is that most Australian workers , over8m in total , now have a private nest-egg for their old age .

  3. 想让子女得到更好的教育、想让自己的财富更安全一点,想让自己将来老有所依,是再正常不过的心态,这应该得到每一个人的尊重和重视。

    It is an absolutely normal state of mind to give our children a better education , to make our wealth more secure , and to have something to rely on when we get old .

  4. 农民养老问题一直是社会各界和全国农民关注的焦点,它关系着我国几亿农民的晚年生活能否老有所依、老有所养。

    Endowment problem has become a focused problem in our social life . Farmers endowment are always the problems focused by the national and leaders of the country , which is related to hundreds of millions of farmers ' old age life in China .