
  • 网络subcutaneous abscess;boil
  1. 化脓隐秘杆菌(Arcanobacteriumpyogenes)常引起牛、羊、猪等动物的化脓性感染,主要表现为肺炎、关节炎、心内膜炎、乳腺炎、皮下脓肿等,对畜牧业可造成很大的危害。

    Arcanobacterium pyogenes often cause cattle , sheep , pigs and other animals , purulent infection , mainly pneumonia , arthritis , endocarditis , mastitis , subcutaneous abscess and so on can cause great harm with livestock .

  2. [目的]研究替硝唑注射液体外抗菌作用及对细菌引起的小鼠皮下脓肿形成的抑制作用。

    OBJECTIVE To study the antibacterial effects in vitro and the inhibition effects of tinidazole injection for bacterial subcutaneous abscess in mice .

  3. 糖尿病肾病对照组(B组)的大鼠出现多饮、多尿、多食、体重减轻的典型的三多一少症状,其皮毛枯黄,并出现皮下脓肿、行动迟缓。

    The rats of diabetic control group ( B group ) had more to drink , polyuria , polyphagia , weight loss of the typical " more than three a little " symptom , yellow fur , subcutaneous abscess and moved slowly .

  4. 医生把皮下脓肿切开让脓流出。

    The doctor lanced the boil to let the pus out .

  5. 方法一期脓肿切开引流加挂线术治疗直肠肛管周围脓肿67例,包括肛管皮下脓肿48例,坐骨直肠间隙脓肿11例,骨盆直肠间隙脓肿8例。

    Methods 67 cases underwent the abscess incision and seton drainage , including 48 cases of subcutaneous abscess , 11 cases of ischiorectal abscess , and 8 cases of pelvirectal abscess .

  6. 形似蜜蜂的多毛的苍蝇,其幼虫在牛的皮下形成脓肿(硬瘤)。

    Hairy bee-like fly whose larvae produce lumpy abscesses ( warbles ) under the skin of cattle .

  7. 结果300例婴幼儿BCG接种后回流区淋巴结有不同程度的肿大,淋巴结肿大主要分布于注射侧腋下,占54.7%,次为接种局部皮下深部脓肿,占38.0%。

    Results Of 300 babies with adverse reaction after the vaccination with BCG , 54.7 % were different degree of lymphadenitis in axillary region , 38.0 % were regional abscess .

  8. 当感染穿破骨质侵及软组织时,可在粘膜或皮下形成冷脓肿。

    Wear broken bone to invade when infection when reaching parenchyma , can be in mucous membrane or form cold abscess hypodermically .