
pí zhī xiàn liú
  • sebaceous adenoma
  1. 结节性硬化是一种常染色体显性遗传性疾病。过去临床上主要靠病人有癫痫、智力低下和皮脂腺瘤三大体征来诊断。

    Tuberous sclerosis ( TS ) is an exceptional chromosomal inherited disease , This disease was mainly diagnosed by three clinical appearances : epilepsy , intellectual disturbance , and sebaceous adenoma .

  2. 家族性面部蝶形结节性皮脂腺瘤伴双肾多发错构瘤2例

    Familial facial butterfly nodular adenoma sebaceum accompanied by renal multiple hamartoma : two cases report

  3. 患者典型症状是面部皮脂腺瘤、局部的皮肤病变、癫痫发作,精神发育迟滞以及多发性的错构瘤。

    The typical symptoms in patients are facial sebaceous tumors , localized skin lesions , seizures , mental retardation and multiple hamartomas .

  4. 临床上以癫痫、智力障碍和皮脂腺腺瘤作为诊断依据。

    They were diagnosed by three clinical appearances ; epilepsy , intellectual disturbance , sebaceous adenoma .

  5. 涎腺非皮脂腺淋巴腺瘤2例报告及文献复习

    Non-sebaceous Lymphadenoma of the Salivary Gland : Report of Two Cases and Literature Review

  6. 目的:报告2例涎腺非皮脂腺淋巴腺瘤,并总结其临床病理特点。

    Objective : To report two cases of non-sebaceous lymphadenoma of the salivary gland and to summarize its clinical and pathological features .

  7. 方法:收集2例非皮脂腺淋巴腺瘤的临床资料,常规切片HE染色观察其组织学特点。

    Methods : Two cases of non-sebaceous lymphadenoma were investigated by collecting clinical data and observing histological features with a review of literature .

  8. 正常皮脂腺、皮脂腺痣、皮脂腺增生、皮脂腺腺瘤可见胞膜及胞浆的海绵、网状着染;

    Cell surface and sponge-like cytoplasmic staining were observed in normal sebaceous glands , sebaceous glands nevus , sebaceous hyperplasia and adenoma of sebaceous glands .