
  1. 回肠:小肠最后和最长的一段,主要担负维生素B12的吸收和结合胆汁盐约90%的重吸收。

    Ileum : Final and longest segment of the small intestine . It is the site of absorption of vitamin B12 ( see vitamin B complex ) and reabsorption of about 90 % of conjugated bile salts .

  2. 一旦订立不可违背的盐约,就应信守不渝。

    Once you have made a covenant of salt , you should keep to it .

  3. 61.1%的混合层盐度会下降,平均降盐约0.12;

    The mixed layer salinity ( MLS ) also decreased by 0.12 on average at 61.1 % of the observed profiles .

  4. 耶和华以色列的神曾立盐约(盐即不废坏的意思),将以色列国永远赐给大卫和他的子孙,你们不知道吗。

    Ought ye not to know that the LORD God of Israel gave the kingdom over Israel to David for ever , even to him and to his sons by a covenant of salt ?

  5. 至收获期时,灌区土壤全盐量约高于空白土壤本底值。

    At the harvest time , soluble salt is higher than the blank soil .

  6. 全球盐生植物约有1560多种,中国有502种。

    Up to now , approximate 1560 species of halophyte were recorded in the world , of which 502 are found in China .

  7. 结论:盐溶液浓度约为30%,交联刺14%,致孔剂甲苯为单体的0.1倍时,所得树脂性能良好。

    Conclusion : The property of resin is good when the brine 's concentration is30 % , the degree of crosslinking is14 % , methyl benzene as diluent is0.1 .

  8. 材料:中筋面粉1杯、马碲粉1汤匙、盐少许、热水约80毫升(视乎情况增减)。

    Ingredients : 1Cup All Purpose Flour , 1tbsp Wat er Chest Nut Powder , Some Salt , 80ml Hot water .

  9. 这些战略储备包括埋在得克萨斯州和路易斯安那州海岸沿线的巨大地下盐穴里的约7亿桶石油。

    This reserve comprises roughly 700m barrels of oil buried in vast salt caverns along the coast of Texas and Louisiana .

  10. 投加二氧化氯、氯混合消毒剂的试样中,亚氯酸盐的生成量约为二氧化氯消耗量的39.7%~57.9%;

    39.7 % ~ 57.9 % and 48.0 % ~ 70.0 % of chlorine dioxide consumption converted to chlorite with the combinations of chlorine dioxide and chlorine and chlorine dioxide respectively .

  11. 计算结果表明,在合适条件下,盐粉催化后约半小时可出现增雨,增加雨量为10%&50%,它是播撒量的几千倍。

    The results indicate that under suitable conditions the rain can be enhanced about 30 min after cloud seeding with salt particles , the rate of rain enhancement is 10 % - 50 % , it is thousands times greater than seeding amount of salt particles .