
  • 网络Supervision cost;monitoring cost;monitor cost;cost of supervision
  1. 契约成本分成三部分,固定成本、监督成本和风险成本。

    Contract costs are divided into three parts : fixed costs , monitoring costs and risk costs .

  2. 上市公司要保持适度的股权集中度,形成权力制衡的股权结构,从而降低代理和监督成本,提高公司效率。

    In order to reduce the agency and monitoring costs and increase efficiency , listed companies should maintain appropriate degree of ownership structure and form power balanced ownership structure .

  3. 实施SA8000标准可以大大降低监督成本,改善供应链管理的同时赢得公众的信赖,提升企业的形象及声誉,从而获得市场优势。

    Implementation of SA8000 will greatly reduce monitoring cost , improve supply chain management , at the same time win public trust , improve corporate image and gain competitive edge .

  4. 企业不同控制权状态下监督成本研究

    Research in the Supervision Cost under Different Control Power in Enterprise

  5. 由此可见,审计实质是代理成本中的监督成本,是降低代理成本的重要途径。

    Auditing is one of methods releasing agent cost .

  6. 第四,减少了汽车制造业企业监督成本,并提高效率。

    Fourthly , it reduces the supervising cost of the automobile manufactories and increase its efficiency .

  7. 研究发现,机构投资者持股比例和监督成本是影响机构投资者是否监督盈余管理的重要因素。

    The study found that institutional shareholding and the cost of supervision are important factors in supervision .

  8. 分析金融机构监督成本与企业家创业之间的联系。

    The article analyzes the connection between the supervised cost of financial organization and enterprises starting a business .

  9. 进一步扩展模型,讨论了社会监督成本以及随机因素的影响作用。

    Then , we extend the model that includes the supervisory cost and the influence of random factors .

  10. 论文的主要工作有:认为贷款信息成本和监督成本过高是民营企业融资难的主因。

    Dominant work : The author thought that high information cost and supervising cost are the dominant reasons .

  11. 其中,经营者激励性报酬在缩小所有者和经营者之间的利益差异并降低监督成本方面的作用是最重要的。

    Moreover , businessmen incentive remuneration has the most important effect in reducing benefit difference between owner and businessmen .

  12. 如果国有股处于控股地位,国家将负担这种低效率企业的全部监督成本,其他产权主体搭国家的便车。

    If the state is in domination , the state will bear the all supervision cost of inefficient enterprises .

  13. 专利技术的可重复交易性和技术外溢性则决定了高的保护成本、监督成本和救济成本。

    The repetitious transaction and overflow of patent technology decide high protect cost 、 supervision cost and redress cost .

  14. 结构性制度约束、监督成本与98粮改政策效应&中国近期粮价波动之启示

    Structural System Restraint , Supervision Cost and 1998 Grain Reform Effect & A Review on Recent Grain Price Fluctuation in China

  15. 代理成本包括委托人的监督成本、代理人的保证成本、剩余损失三个部分。

    One of key conceptions is agent cost which includes three parts : supervision cost , ensure cost and residual loess .

  16. 网络中成员间的高度信任能够使交易过程中的谈判成本、监督成本降低,机会主义行为减少。

    The high degree of trust among the network members could lower the cost of negotiation and inspection and decrease the opportunism behavior .

  17. 在低监督成本下,将有更多的潜在企业家选择创业,并能获得较多的融资。

    Under the condition of low supervised cost , there will be more entrepreneurs choosing to start a business and earning more financing .

  18. 影响合作伙伴资源投入的因素很多,如利益分配形式、市场回报率、联盟类型、监督成本等等。

    Partners ′ resource commitment is affected by many factors , such as profit-sharing arrangements , marketing reward , alliance types , supervising cost .

  19. 在存在公共区域和巨额监督成本的条件下,垃圾处理服务具有非排他性,因而应被纳入政府职能范围;

    Garbage disposal service is non-exclusive because there are public areas and large amount of monitor cost and so the government is responsible for it .

  20. 本文从剖析民营企业陷入融资困境的诱因入手,探讨了民营企业走出融资困境的对策,认为贷款信息成本和监督成本过高是民营企业融资难的主因;

    By analyzing the difficulties that the non-governmental business met in financing , this article discusses the countermeasures for the non-governmental business stepping out of the dilemma .

  21. 间接影响是银行持股降低了与民营企业的信息不对称程度,节省了银行监督成本的投入,间接增加了民营企业获得信贷的可能性。

    The latter reduces the degree of information asymmetry , saves the cost of bank supervision activity , indirectly increased the potential for private enterprises to obtain credit .

  22. 由于监督成本的不可分摊性和小股东的搭便车动机,在两权分离的现代公司,对经理人员的监督往往是由大股东来行使的。

    Because of unable to share the cost of supervision and because of the free ride motivation of small shareholders , the supervision is actually executed by large shareholder .

  23. 不对称信息下的金融中介理论作为关系型借贷的另一个理论基础认为银行在收集信息方面具有比较优势,能够减少监督成本和惩罚成本。

    Financial intermediary theory is another theoretic base of relationship lending . It considers bank has relatively informational advantage in informational asymmetry to reduce monitoring cost and penalty cost .

  24. 在各企业家具备同样的融资能力的情况下,由于全融机构的监督成本不同,将出现不同的决策。

    Under the condition that every enterpriser has the same financing power and due to the supervised cost of financial organization is different , there will be different polity .

  25. 在团队生产中,对个人工作实绩进行准确计量的困难及监督成本的存在,会导致大量的偷懒行为。

    Since it is difficult to exactly measure the performance of individual and the existing of supervision cost , there are a lot of shiftless behavior in team production .

  26. 而通过采购拍卖机制,委托方在采购活动中可以节约大量的监督成本,以最低的成本获取最优的产品。

    And the use of the Auction Purchase Mechanism can save lots of the supervising cost , which helps the principal acquire the optimal military goods at the minimum cost .

  27. 通过对以上四个模型的深入分析可以得到一个共同的结论,即公司治理过程中,要降低监督成本和增大奖惩力度。

    Through in-depth analysis of this four models can get a common conclusion that in the corporate governance process , reduce costs and increase monitoring efforts to reward and punishment .

  28. 通过引入控制权转移和监督成本变量,分析了控制权的安排对创业投资企业的非效率投资行为的影响,认为投资不足和投资过度现象之间存在着一种松散的交替关系。

    The effects of the allocation of the control rights on the inefficient investment behavior are analyzed and some ambiguous substitute relationship between two investment behavior is found in the update model .

  29. 中小企业和银行之间的信息严重不对称,进而导致逆向选择、道德风险和高昂的监督成本,这是导致信贷配给的根本原因。

    There is much severe asymmetric information between banks and SMEs , leading to adverse selection , moral hazard and high monitoring costs , which is the ultimate cause resulting in credit rationing .

  30. 内部劳动力市场的特点,使其在节约准固定成本、监督成本和提高企业效率等方面具有优势。

    Its effective internal motivation system and characteristics of internal labor market grant it advantages in the saving of quasi fixed cost , the supervision of cost and the improvement of business efficiency .