
  • 网络object code;Target Code;Object file
  1. C语言目标代码质量研究

    A Study on the Quality of Object Code Generated by C Compiler

  2. C语言简洁的语法对专业编程人员很有吸引力,而且它的编译程序能够产生高效的目标代码。

    The terse syntax is attractive to professional programmer , and the compilers generate very deficient object code .

  3. Linux目标代码内核补丁的机理和应用

    Introduction of Mechanism and Application of Linux Kernel Patching with Object Code

  4. 基于软PLC编译系统目标代码生成的研究与实现

    Research And Realization of Object Code Based on Compilation System of Soft PLC

  5. 基于Matlab的NPC单相五电平H桥SPWM目标代码生成

    Target Code Generation of NPC Single-phase Five-level SPWM H-bridge Based on Matlab

  6. Linux中的共享目标代码库和动态链接装入器向应用程序提供了额外的功能。

    Shared object libraries and the dynamic linking loader available in Linux provides additional capabilities to applications .

  7. 软PLC的编译程序包括词法分析、语法分析、语义分析和目标代码生成四个阶段。

    The compiled system includes the phrase analysis , syntax analysis , language analysis and generate target code .

  8. 要重用面向对象的代码,您要将目标代码提取(extract)到另一个类中,然后再用继承来访问它。

    To reuse object-oriented code , you extract the target code into another class , then use inheritance to access it .

  9. 创建能在运行时被动态链接到Linux系统上的应用程序的共享目标代码是一项非常简单的练习。

    Creating shared objects that can be dynamically linked at runtime to an application on a Linux system is a simple exercise .

  10. 除此之外,目标代码可以是能够用Java语言表达的任何代码,包括自我包含的微基准测试和调用整个应用程序的代码等等。

    Otherwise , the target code can be anything expressible in the Java language , ranging from self-contained microbenchmarks to code that calls a full application .

  11. PROLOG编译系统的存贮结构与目标代码生成

    The Storage Structure and Code Generation of PROLOG Compiler System

  12. 基于Matlab/RTW的单相桥式逆变器SPWM目标代码自动生成研究

    Research on Automatic Code-generation of SPWM of Single-phase Inverter Based on Matlab / RTW Tools

  13. 正如其名称所表示的,预编译头文件在头中止(headerstop)点之前,以一种经过编译的形式包含目标代码。

    As the name suggests , a precompiled header file contains object code in a compiled form that is included before the header stop point .

  14. 在WebSpherePortal中,submit按钮不能命名为客户端点击操作目标代码的“Submit”以合适地工作。

    Currently in WebSphere Portal , the submit button cannot be named " Submit " for Client-Side Click-to-Action target code to work properly .

  15. 而C语言作为一种表达能力强、目标代码效率高、可移植性好的语言,在软件开发中得到普遍使用。

    But the C language took one kind of expression ability strong , the goal code efficiency is high , the probability good language , obtains the universal use in the software development .

  16. 在多字节的目标代码页中,没有此Unicode字符可以映射到的字符。

    No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page .

  17. 在此框架下进行了ECU软件开发,并分析目标代码的可调度性。

    With the framework , an ECU software is designed and the schedulability of the object codes is analyzed .

  18. 然后,优化后的RTL被提供给代码生成器,后者产生目标代码。

    The optimized RTL is then fed to the code generator , which produces target code .

  19. 放置目标代码到ROM中或通过调试工具下载。

    All that remains is to place the object code into a ROM or download it via a debugging tool .

  20. 但这些方法都试图从系统模型直接综合到SoC系统软件目标代码以及可综合的RTL硬件系统结构,难度很大。

    But it is very difficult to synthetize directly form system model to SoC system software aim code and synthetical RTL system structure .

  21. 其中,SoC系统建模是通过某种建模手段,在算法级描述SoC的系统行为,并生成可执行的目标代码。

    Among them , the SoC system modeling describes the behavior of the SoC system at algorithm level by some system modeling method , and generates the executable code .

  22. 是作为目标代码存贮在ROM中的嵌入式软件。这个名字在数字信号处理器的用户中相当流行。

    Embedded software that is stored as object code within a ROM. This name is most common among the users of digital signal processors .

  23. 详细地介绍了Java语言的发展,面向对象技术、目标代码结构无关技术、稳定性和安全性技术的概念。

    This paper introduces the development of Java , and describes in details the language characteristics of Java , such as object oriented technique , object coding architecture independence technique , security and stability and stability technique etc.

  24. 它采用当今较流行的算法和结构设计思想,全面实现将一个标准C源程序翻译成目标代码的所有工作,并提供了一个运行目标代码的虚拟机。

    At present , it adopts the popular design methods of algorithm and structure to do all work of translating the standard C source code into the object code , and provides a virtual machine on which the object code can run .

  25. 此外,我们借助GCC编译过程中产生的中间代码RTL(RegisterTransferLanguage)文件,重写目标代码生成和优化功能程序,为新的目标机器开发C语言编译器。

    In another way , we develop a compiler in virtue of GCC 's intermediate language , RTL ( Register Transfer Language ), but we must rewrite the program of code generation and code optimization .

  26. 最后,我们最终实现的目标代码是基于一个自定义的虚拟机器VMC的代码,通过对此代码的解释执行来得到最终运行结果。

    Third , the target code is a VMC machine code ( Virtual Machine Code ) which was defined by ourselves .

  27. 本文针对EDOC中的实体关系模型建立了从这些模型到J2EE平台模型以及目标代码的模型转换规则。

    In this paper , we focus on the problem of how to define transformation rules from EDOC entity and relationship models to concrete implementations on J2EE platform .

  28. 在SGS系统软件研制任务中,我们在Scounix系统V/386目标代码系统上增加SCSI设备驱动程序取得了成功。

    We have successfully added the SCSI device driver into the SCO UNIX system V / 386 binary system , during the period of designing and developing the SGS system software .

  29. 此平台可以采用图形化的界面实现系统模型的建立,并生成XML格式的模型描述文件;采用XML+XSLT技术,设计具体业务的代码格式模板,自动生成目标代码。

    The graphical user interface of the platform can achieve the establishment of the system model , and generate the XML model description files ; XSLT technology is employed to design the specific code format template files , and then the target code automatically generated based on these files .

  30. 针对这种现象,文中建议一个混合演化算法,通过把程序的不同部分有选择地编译成ARM或Thumb指令集代码,使得可灵活地权衡目标代码大小和运行时间。

    Motivated by this observation , this paper proposes a hybrid evolutionary algorithm that can be used to enable a flexible tradeoff between the code size and execution time of a program by using the two instruction sets selectively for different parts of a program .