
  • 网络Face Recognition;facial recognition;Face detect;face detection
  1. “一个终极的人脸识别算法应该可以识别数据集中数以十亿计的人,”研究人员写道。

    " An ultimate face recognition algorithm should perform with billions of people in a dataset , " the researchers wrote .

  2. 人脸识别也因此成为这些基础研究领域的重要课题之一,具有重要的理论研究价值。

    So face recognition of great theoretical research value becomes one of the important subjects of such basic research .

  3. 问题在于,进行人脸识别时机器也是有局限性的。

    The thing is , machines still have limitations when it comes to facial recognition .

  4. “巨型面”的创建者说,它是目前最大的公共人脸识别数据集了。

    MegaFace 's creators say it 's the largest publicly available facial-recognition dataset out there .

  5. 这个技能支撑着二十一世纪人脸识别软件的巨大前景。

    This skill is what supports the enormous promise of facial-recognition software in the 2lst century .

  6. 华北地区的天津市将从明年起禁止企业事业单位等收集个人生物信息。人脸识别如今已被广泛应用于移动支付、考试甚至公共卫生间等场所,这种无序使用状况引发公众担忧。

    North China 's Tianjin municipality will prohibit businesses and institutes from collecting personal bioinformation starting next year , amid heightened public concerns over the uncontrolled use of facial recognition , now employed in mobile payment , test-taking , and even public restrooms .

  7. 对于部分小区物业将人脸识别作为出入小区的唯一验证方式的问题,规定明确,物业应为不同意使用人脸识别的使用人提供其他合理验证方式。

    For the situation where property management service enterprises set up facial recognition as the only verification method for people entering a property , the document says reasonable alternative methods must be provided for those who do not agree to use facial recognition .

  8. 基于主元分析和FuzzyART模型的人脸识别算法

    Face Recognition Based on Principal Component Analysis and Fuzzy ART Neural Model

  9. 基于曲面极光谱的3D人脸识别算法研究

    The Study of 3D Face Recognition Based on Facial Surface Polar Spectrum

  10. 人脸识别系统中的BP网分类方法

    BP neural network for classification of face recognition system

  11. 基于Bit平面和广义PCA的人脸识别

    Face Recognition Based on Bit Planes and Generalized PCA

  12. 研究了一种基于DCT变换和嵌入式隐马尔可夫模型(EmbeddedHiddenMarkovModel)的人脸识别方法。

    A method based on Embedded Hidden Markov Model ( EHMM ) and DCT feature is presented .

  13. 嵌入式隐Markov模型和神经网络人脸识别

    Embedded Hidden Markov Model and Neural Network for Face Recognition

  14. Delphi和Matlab结合,可以方便的验证各种人脸识别算法的有效性。

    Combined with the delphi and matlab can validate the face recognition algorithms conveniently .

  15. 提出了一种结合Bit平面信息和广义PCA进行人脸识别的新算法。

    This paper proposes a face recognition algorithm based on both Bit planes and generalized PCA .

  16. PCA类内平均脸法在人脸识别中的应用研究

    Study for Within-Class Average Face Method Based on PCA in Face Recognition

  17. 中国近日发布了全球首款内置人脸识别功能的自动柜员机(ATM)。

    China has unveiled the world 's first ATM with a built-in facial recognition feature .

  18. 基于稀疏RAM的神经网络及其人脸识别应用研究

    Research on the Neural Network with Sparse RAM and Its Application to Face Recognition

  19. 基于稀疏RAM的逼近型神经网络与统计模式识别的人脸识别

    Face Recognition Based on The Approximate Neural Network with Sparse RAM and Statistical Pattern Recognition

  20. 一种基于小波分解及鲁棒估计的ICA算法及其在人脸识别中的应用

    A Novel ICA Algorithm for Face Recognition Based on Wavelet Decomposition and Robust Estimation

  21. 基于二维Gabor小波的人脸识别算法

    Face Recognition Based on Two-Dimensional Gabor Wavelets

  22. 图像分块重构和LDA融合的人脸识别方法

    Face recognition using image block reconstruction and Linear Discriminant Analysis

  23. 多级LBP直方图序列特征的人脸识别

    Face Recognition Using Multi-level Histogram Sequence Local Binary Pattern

  24. 基于LBP算子的改进人脸识别算法

    Novel Face Recognition Algorithm Using Modified Local Binary Patterns

  25. 基于KL投影和奇异值分解相融合的人脸识别方法的研究

    Research on Based on Singular Value Decomposition and KL Projection Fusion Decision

  26. 两种序的二维Walsh变换在人脸识别中的应用

    The application of 2-dimensional Walsh transform with two kinds of orderings to human-face recognition and their contrast

  27. 它在图像识别以及人工智能中的手势识别和人脸识别、地理信息系统(GIS)中的定位跟踪算法等领域都有广泛应用。

    It is widely applied in the image recognition , the gestures recognition , face recognition and geographical information system ( GIS ) oriented in areas such as tracking algorithm .

  28. 研究并实现了PCA人脸识别算法,并使用Yale人脸数据库验证了PCA人脸识别系统。

    PCA face recognition algorithm was studied and realized . And PCA face recognition system was implemented on Yale face database .

  29. 提出了一种基于邻域保持投影方法(NeighborhoodPreservingProjections,NPP)的半监督流形学习人脸识别算法。

    A kind of semi-supervised manifold learning algorithm of image recognition is presented , which is based on the Neighborhood Preserving Projections .

  30. 将BP神经网络用于人脸识别,建立了人脸识别模型,研究了样本采样训练、样本批量训练和样本完整训练三种训练策略对识别率的影响。

    The BP neural network is applied in face recognition . A face recognition model is established , and three training strategies i.e. sampling training , batch training and integrity training are studied .