
rén mín bì
  • RMB;Renminbi;Renminbi (RMB)
人民币 [rén mín bì]
  • [Renminbi (RMB)] 中华人民共和国的法定通用货币。以圆为单位

人民币[rén mín bì]
  1. 人民币上的暗记有多种形式。

    There are many counterfeit-proof features on a Renminbi bill .

  2. 我们让不让人民币浮动?

    Do we let Renminbi float ?

  3. 请把这钱兑换成人民币。

    Please convert this money into RMB .

  4. 贸易合同规定余额以人民币结算。

    The trade contract stipulates for the settlement of balances in RMB .

  5. 你想把你的外币换成人民币吗?

    Would you like to change your foreign currency into Chinese money ?

  6. 1美元约合6.8元人民币。

    One US dollar is around six point eight yuan .

  7. 他的画以人民币十万元落槌。

    His painting was auctioned off for ¥ 100,000 .

  8. 这起走私案案值八百万人民币。

    This smuggling case involves eight million yuan .

  9. 今年以来,人民币已升值百分之十。

    There has been an appreciation of10 percent in RMB since the beginning of this year .

  10. 一英镑折合成人民币是多少?

    How much is a pound in renminbi ? or how many Renminbi yuan to the pound ?

  11. 罗杰斯计划将“零度之下”冰淇淋机卖给那些想给顾客带去惊喜的酒吧和酿酒厂。据《Metro》杂志报道,冰淇淋机的定价约为6000美元(约合人民币3.9万元)。

    The American inventor plans to sell Below Zero ice cream machines to bars and breweries reports that machines will sell for about $ 6000 .

  12. 违者罚款最高可达600美元(约合人民币3837元)。

    The fines can go up to $ 600 . 6 .

  13. 对人民币实现完全自由兑换提出了对策和建议

    Some countermeasure and recommendation on RMB 's full convertibility . "

  14. 相比之下,阿斯达超市乔治牌同款产品只需要5英镑(约合人民币44元)。

    In contrast , the George at Asda version is just £ 5 .

  15. 就目前的情况而言,香港的人民币银行体系可谓微不足道。

    As things stand , Hong Kong 's renminbi banking system is minuscule .

  16. 该试点项目预计将耗资约5000万欧元(约合人民币3.9亿元),持续三年。

    The experiment is expected to cost about 50 million euros and last three years .

  17. 这项服务的价格为1555000日元(约合人民币9.3万元),含税。

    The airline is offering the service for 1555000 yen ( $ 14300 ) , including tax .

  18. 新近的工程学毕业生在德国每月收入相对较高,可达2800欧元到3800欧元(约合人民币2.2万到3万)。

    New engineering graduates will earn relatively2 high salaries of € 2800 to € 3800 a month in Germany .

  19. “大象交易”就是指这样的大型机构之间进行的超大额的商业交易,通常交易价值要超过2000万英镑(约合人民币1.85亿元)。

    Elephants deal refers to an extremely large business deal between large institutions , typically worth more than £ 20 million .

  20. 尽快更新人民币版本,有效震慑腐败官员“巨额藏现”。

    China should issue a new version of the RMB to deter1 those corrupt5 officials who have stashed6 huge amounts of cash .

  21. 目前这款InnoMake鞋子在Tec-Innovation官网上可以买到,单价3200欧元(约合人民币2.5万元)。

    The current version of the InnoMake shoe is already available for purchase on the Tec-Innovation website , for € 3200 per pair .

  22. 远程工作者可能更快乐的一个原因是:他们年收入超过10万美元(约合人民币69万元)的可能性是办公室工作者的两倍以上。

    One reason remote workers might be happier is that they were more than twice as likely to earn more than $ 100000 per year .

  23. 比较便宜的商品有12.95英镑(约合人民币115元)的白金汉宫“小狗围巾”,以及一系列售价9.95英镑(约合人民币88元)的口罩。

    Among the cheaper items are a £ 12.95 Buckingham Palace ‘ dog bandana ’ , and a timely range of face masks priced £ 9.95 .

  24. 互联网数据资讯网的调查指出,全球外骨骼收入有望从2020年的3.92亿美元(约合人民币25.7亿元)增至2030年的68亿美元(约合人民币446亿元)。

    Global exoskeleton revenues are expected to rise from $ 392m in 2020 to $ 6.8bn in 2030 , according to a study by ABI Research .

  25. 例如,2013年,杰西·欧文斯在1936年柏林奥运会上获得的一枚金牌以147万美元(约合人民币952万元)的售价售出。

    In 2013 , for example , one of Jesse Owens ’ s gold medals from the 1936 Berlin Olympics sold for about $ 1.47 million in 2013 .

  26. 但现在女王希望通过在网上出售袜子来填补王室6400万英镑的财政损失。然而,皇家收藏商店所出售的新产品标价很高,袜子的价格是69英镑(约合人民币610元)一双。

    The new items on offer at the Royal Collection store come with hefty price tags , however , with the socks priced at £ 69 a pair .

  27. 众所周知,和牛肉非常昂贵,高级和牛肉的价格可高达每磅200美元(约合人民币1292元),成年和牛每头价格超过3万美元。

    Wagyu beef is known to be extremely expensive , with high-grade wagyu fetching prices of up to $ 200 per pound and adult cows selling for more than $ 30000 .

  28. 参加欧洲杯的全部24个球队将会由可口可乐、喜力和其他10家顶级赞助商支付一部分奖金,而这些赞助商也是欧足联近20亿欧元(约合人民币154亿元)欧洲杯总收入的来源。

    All 24 teams will get some of the money paid by Coca-Cola , Heineken and 10 other top-tier sponsors that contribute to UEFA ’ s total tournament revenue of almost 2 billion euros .

  29. 中国人民银行将在深圳、成都、苏州、雄安以及2022年冬奥部分场景开展数字人民币试点。

    The People 's Bank of China , the central bank , is testing its digital currency in Shenzhen , Chengdu , Suzhou , Xiong'an and some areas where the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held .

  30. 例如,白金汉宫蜡烛以其“清香的茉莉花香”而闻名,据说其设计“灵感来自法国文艺复兴时期花园呈几何分布的种植”,售价115英镑(约合人民币1017元)。

    For instance , the Buckingham Palace Candle , noted of delicate jasmine ’ and whose design is said to be ‘ inspired by the geometric planting of gardens of the French renaissance ’ , costs £ 115 .