
  1. 在回顾人民币制度历史沿革时,以时间为顺序,分为四个阶段。

    In reviewing the history of RMB regime , the time-sequence to the center line of the Bretton Woods system was divided into four stages .

  2. 在我国加入WTO后金融业对外开放步伐不断加快的新形势下,人民币汇率制度的再安排日益显得十分必要。

    Rearrangement of the RMB exchange rate system appears increasingly necessary under the circumstances of a continuously quickened openness of financial industries after Chinas joining of WTO .

  3. 由于深受两极论的影响,人民币汇率制度实际上已演化成实际钉住美元制(defactopegdollar)。

    On account of the bipolar view influence , author argue that the RMB exchange rate regime has evolved de facto peg dollar exchange rate regime in fact .

  4. 人民币汇率制度的选择:基于M-F模型视角的理论分析

    Choice of RMB Exchange Rate Regime : Theoretical Analysis from M-F Model Angle

  5. 关贸总协定与人民币汇率制度改革

    Restoring China In GATT and Reforming Exchange Rate System of Renminbi

  6. 基于国家金融安全维护下的人民币汇率制度转换

    The Transition of RMB Exchange Rate Regime Based on Financial Security

  7. 我国人民币汇率制度变迁动因的制度经济学透视

    Insight into Motivation on the Change of RMB Exchange Rate Regime

  8. 人民币汇率制度变化的历程也经历了官方汇率官方汇率与市场汇率并行单一的、有管理的浮动汇率三个阶段。

    Similarly , the reform of exchange rate experienced three stages .

  9. 人民币汇率制度改革的绩效与走向

    The Renminbi Exchange Rate Mechanism Reform : Achievement and Trend

  10. 现阶段人民币汇率制度的选择应在于促成有管理的波动汇率制的真正建立和实行,用一揽子盯住代替美元盯住的汇率制度,逐步由固定走向浮动。

    The right choice should be a managed floating exchange rate system .

  11. 人民币汇率制度的选择研究

    The Research on the Choice of RMB Exchange Rate System

  12. 美元贬值下的人民币汇率制度选择

    On the System Choice for RMB Exchanges with U.S. Dollar 's Depreciation

  13. 人民币汇率制度改革:回归有管理的浮动

    The Reform of RMB Exchange Rate System : Return to Managed Floating

  14. 对人民币汇率制度的思考&尝试灵活的多元钉住制

    Reflection on RMB Exchange Rate System : Pegging on Multi-currency

  15. 对我国人民币汇率制度变动的认识

    The Understanding of Changing Our Country RMB Exchange Rate System

  16. 现行人民币汇率制度的缺陷及改革思路

    The Limitation and Reformation of the Actual Exchange Rate System of RMB

  17. 人民币汇率制度的选择方向与路径

    The Direction and Route of the Choice of RMB Exchange Rate Regime

  18. 实质上,人民币汇率制度仍可归于传统的固定钉住汇率制度。

    Substantially the RMB rate system was still traditional fixed pegged one .

  19. 第三章对采用汇率目标区作为过渡期间的人民币汇率制度进行了分析论证。

    Chapter 4 suggests the scheme of RMB exchange rate target zone .

  20. 人民币汇率制度改革的历史性一步

    A Historical Step in the Reform of the RMB Exchange Rate Regime

  21. 三元悖论与人民币汇率制度选择

    Trilemma of the Exchange Rate Regime and RMB Exchange Rate Regime Choice

  22. 新时期人民币汇率制度研究

    Research on RMB Exchange Rate Regime in New Period

  23. 对人民币汇率制度改革的探讨

    A Study on the Reform of RMB Exchange System

  24. 集体钉住汇率制与地区金融稳定&兼评人民币汇率制度改革

    Collective Pegged Exchange Rate Regime and Regional Finance Stability

  25. 当前形势下人民币汇率制度的选择

    The Exchange Rate System of RMB under Current Situation

  26. 第四章研究人民币汇率制度的改革取向;

    The fourth chapter discusses the reform direction of Renminbi exchange rate system .

  27. 人民币汇率制度的演进过程及改革走势

    The history evolution and trend of reform of the RMB exchange rate system

  28. 人民币汇率制度选择面临的困境及政策选择

    The Coming Predicament of Choosing Exchange Rate Arrangement of the PRC and Measures

  29. 对现行人民币汇率制度的重新审视

    A Review On China 's Current Exchange Rate System

  30. 经济发展与人民币汇率制度取向

    Economic Development and Direction of RMB Exchange Rate Regime