
  1. 本文以VAR模型分析包括中国在内的9个东亚国家与地区总需求冲击和总供给冲击的对称性,并通过与欧洲经验数据的比较,判断东亚实现区域货币联盟的可行性。

    The paper analyses the symmetry in aggregate demand shocks and aggregate supply shocks in nine Asian countries and regions including China with VAR approach , and assesses the feasibility for east Asia to realize regional monetary union on the basis of comparison with European experience .

  2. 建立区域货币联盟,有助于增强地区金融的稳定性。

    The establishment of a regional monetary union , helps to strengthen regional financial stability .

  3. 中国应该采取积极、灵活的政策,在全面经济金融合作的基础上支持区域货币联盟,并在其中发挥应有的作用。

    As an active participator in regional currency and finance cooperation , China should adopt active , flexible policies to support regional currency area .

  4. 最优货币区和货币区的收益与成本分析是建立区域货币联盟可行性分析的两种理论。

    Optimum Currency Areas and Cost-Benefit Analysis are the main theories available for use as frameworks in feasibility studies of forming regional Common Currency Areas .

  5. 区域货币联盟以及区域货币合作是近年来国际金融领域颇为关注的问题之一,关于它的研究对于防范金融危机、促进区域经济发展具有现实意义。

    Regional monetary union and regional monetary cooperation have been one of the most concerned issues in the field of international finance , and the study on which is full of realistic significance to guard against financial crises and to promote the development of regional economy .

  6. 此方法具有处理速度快,滤波效果好,通用性高的特点,可应用于多种信号的实时处理.最优货币区和货币区的收益与成本分析是建立区域货币联盟可行性分析的两种理论。

    The method has a high processing speed with high filtering efficiency , common currency for different kinds of signals in real-time processing . Optimum Currency Areas and Cost-Benefit Analysis are the main theories available for use as frameworks in feasibility studies of forming regional Common Currency Areas .