
  1. 人力资本配置及改善的博弈分析

    Game Analysis in the Arrangement and Improvement of the Human Capital

  2. 人力资本配置及其制度研究

    Deployment of Human Capital and the Research on Deployment Institution

  3. 中国国有电力企业人力资本配置优化研究

    Study on the Human Capital Optimization of State-Owned Power Enterprise in China

  4. 优化人力资本配置与推进和谐社会建设的关系探析

    Optimize the Manpower Capital to Dispose Advance Harmonious Social Construction

  5. 试论中国人力资本配置

    On the disposal of human resources capital in China

  6. 人力资本配置在一定程度上是人力资本产权在各经济主体之间的分配,人力资本产权制度内含了配置功能。

    Disposition of human capital is distribution of property rights among main body of economy .

  7. 经济发展中的人力资本配置效率是指经济发展中人力资本所具有的合适性。

    The efficiency of human resource allocation in economic development refers to the fitness possessed by human capital .

  8. 我国产业结构现状与人力资本配置关系实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Relation of the Current Situation of China 's Industrial Structure and Distribution of Human Capital

  9. 同时阐明了目前现实中存在的人力资本配置范围的国际化趋势。

    It is also made clear in this section that there is a trend of international allocation of human capital .

  10. 人力资本配置制度是一个有机的系统,其整体功能的发挥依赖于各项基本制度安排的完善与发展。

    Deployment institutions of human capital are an organic system , and its function rely on the perfection and development of every basic institution .

  11. 第二章:阐述了农民人力资本配置的理论框架,即超边际分析方法、交易费用理论及社会资本理论。

    Chapter two : Elaborating the theory frame of peasants ' human capital allocation that is inframarginal analysis , transaction cost theory and the social capital theory .

  12. 在我国现有的制度安排下,劳动力流动的人力资本配置效应、人力资本投资效应和累积效应在正反两个层面呈现多元态势。

    On the current institution arrangement , the effects of allocation , investment and accumulation of human resources for labor flow show Multi-situation in positive and negative position .

  13. 人力资本配置不当影响了我国产业结构的均衡,人力资本配置优化是我国产业结构优化的基础。

    The unreasonable distribution of human capital have affected the balance of industrial structure . Distribution of human capital optimization is foundation of industrial structure optimization in China .

  14. 本文通过论述人力资本配置与和谐社会建设之间的关系,将人力资本配置提高到和谐社会这个更高的层次上来。

    This text disposing and relation between harmonious social construction through describing the manpower capital , is it bring manpower capital up to harmonious society this piece high level come up to dispose .

  15. 人力资本配置机制对人力资本投资效益及经济增长有重要影响。人力资本配置在一定程度上是人力资本产权在各经济主体之间的分配,人力资本产权制度内含了配置功能。

    Human capital distribution mechanism has a great effect on the results of human capital investment and economic growth . Disposition of human capital is distribution of property rights among main body of economy .

  16. 特岗教师所在的学校应当按照比较优势的原则优化特岗教师人力资本配置,最大限度的发挥特岗教师的价值,促进特岗教师的专业发展和自我发展。

    The school where the special-post teachers in should be optimized in accordance with the principle of comparative advantage configured to maximize the value of the special-post teachers to promote special-post teachers ' professional development and self-development .

  17. 高效的人力资本配置来源于人力资本投资,但人力资本投资具有风险性甚至高风险性,其投资行为受到众多风险因素的影响。

    The distribution of human capital that is high efficiency comes from human capital investment . However , human capital investment has risks , even high risks and its investment behaviors are influenced by many risk factors .

  18. 第一章:在对农民人力资本配置方式的研究文献综述的基础上,提出了本文的研究主题、分析框架及相应的研究假设。

    There are four chapters in this thesis as following : Chapter one : On the basis of the research documents survey , it puts forward the theme of the thesis 、 the frame of analysis and relevant research hypothesis .

  19. 通过理论联系实际,本文从制度、资源、分工三大维度挖掘湖北省人力资本配置中存在的问题,并运用模型提出针对湖北省人力资本配置的政策建议。

    This thesis also seeks the problems of Hubei human capital allocation from three dimensions , namely , system , resource and division of labor , and also presents some policy suggestions for Hubei human capital allocation by the use of model .

  20. 人力资本国际配置是经济全球化的内在要求。

    The international allocation of human capital is the inner requirements of economic globalization .

  21. 企业战略导向下人力资本的配置

    Human Capital Allocation under Enterprise Strategic Orientation

  22. 弥补数字鸿沟,铺设人力资本国际配置的畅通渠道;

    To repair " the digital gap " and smoothen the international allocation of human capital ;

  23. 图书馆的岗位责任制应该体现人力资本合理配置的原则;

    The position responsibility system in library shall be accorded with the principle of proper distribution of human resource .

  24. 进而,本文分析并阐述了人力资本国际配置进一步发展所面临的各种有利因素和不利条件。

    This section further illustrates and analyses various favorable and unfavorable conditions for the further development of international allocation of human capital .

  25. 企业家的选择问题实际上是企业家的配置问题,企业家人力资本市场配置信号包括:个人学历、经历和业绩,个人资本,社会资本等三个方面。

    The choice of entrepreneur actually is a collocating problem . Signals include degree , experience and personal capital and society capital .

  26. 第二部分引入了经济全球化发展趋势这一世界经济发展的大背景,具体阐述经济全球化对人力资本国际配置的要求。

    Section 2 expounds the requirements of economic globalization on international allocation of human capital by firstly introducing the background of economic globalization .

  27. 第二章:阐释了人力资本市场配置机制和人力资本产业配置的结构效应理论。

    Chapter Two describes allocation mechanism of human capital market and the theory of structure effect of allocation of human capital as an industry .

  28. 人力资本具有配置资源的能力,提高自然资源的利用效率;人力资本投资是现代经济增长的基本动力,是提高劳动生产率的根本路径,是产业结构升级的基础;

    It introduces that manpower capital could improve the utilization of natural resources and the investment of it is the important power of growth of modem economy .

  29. 信息技术型人力资本优化配置能够促进涉农企业生产力的发展,对于增强涉农企业的核心竞争力起着十分积极的作用。

    The optimal allocation of IT-derived human capital can promote the development of productivity of agriculture-related enterprises , thereby playing a positive role in improving their corporate competitiveness .

  30. 同时提出了经济全球化条件下人力资本国际配置的特点来作为人力资本国际配置的目标模式。

    It is also proposed that features of international allocation of human capital under the circumstance of economic globalization should be the aim and pattern of international allocation of human capital .