
  • 网络human capital stock;stock of human capital
  1. 提高云南农村人力资本存量则是提高农民纯收入、促使云南城乡收入收敛的有效途径。

    Increase the stock of human capital in rural areas of Yunnan is to improve net income of farmers , urban and rural areas of Yunnan to promote effective way of income convergence .

  2. 产业集群中不同人力资本存量所有者对产业集群竞争力的作用并不一样。

    Different person has different stock of human capital , which have different effects for the industrial cluster .

  3. RD强度中等地区,产业结构和人力资本存量对提高RD强度有着非常显著的影响;

    In medium R & D intensity regions , industrial structure and human resource proves to be important ;

  4. 本文通过我国经济增长因素分析,劳动力、人力资本存量及其变动与GDP产业结构的变动率分析;

    The article analyzes the factors affecting China 's economic growth , the stock of and change in laborer and human capital , and the change rate of GDP industrial structure .

  5. 造成我国FDI技术溢出效果不佳的原因,主要是人力资本存量不足、金融压制以及地方政府在吸引FDI方面的恶性竞争等。

    The main reason to make FDI technology spill ineffectiveness in our country is the scarcity of human capital , the financial suppress and the malignant competition of attracting FDI between local governments .

  6. RD强度较低地区,GDP增长、产业结构升级和人力资本存量增加都能提高RD强度。

    And in the low RD intensity regions , GDP growth , the upgrading of industrial structure and the increase of human resource stock can improve the RD intensity .

  7. 文章结合中国实际,对收入法进行修正和简化,估算出了中国1952~2003年以货币计量的人力资本存量数据,并将之与物质资本、GDP等进行比较。

    In this paper , we modified and simplified the income-based measure of human capital stock to corporate the China 's reality , and estimate the money value of human capital stock in 1952-2003 , and compare it with physical capital and GDP .

  8. 本文搜集了我国1978年以来的GDP、就业人口、固定资产投资、居民受教育水平、职工实际工资等数据,并采用流行的测算方法,估算出我国的资本存量和人力资本存量。

    To tie into the use of the above models , the author collected the GDP , employment , fixed asset investment , resident education , actual payroll and other data since 1978 and estimated Chinese capital stock and human capital stock using popular measurement methods .

  9. 中国西部人力资本存量的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis on the Human Capital Storge in the West China

  10. 生育女性人力资本存量变动轨迹研究

    Study on the Trajectory of Stock of Human Capital for Fertility Women

  11. 实证发现人力资本存量对污染得分有负影响。

    This study shows that human capital has a negative impact on pollution scores .

  12. 人力资本存量转换模型及其应用

    Human Capital Stock Transformation Model and Application

  13. 人力资本存量计量研究

    Study on human capital stock measurement

  14. 人口较少民族人力资本存量短缺的原因分析及对策

    Analysis and Strategies on the Reasons of the Human Capital Shortage of the Scarcely Populated Minorities

  15. 人力资本存量一定程度上决定了劳动力转向城市的直接竞争力以及劳动力转移速度。

    Human capital to some extent determine the direct labor to urban competitiveness and labor transfer speed .

  16. 创新能力决定于人力资本存量和为保证人力资本价值实现的制度安排。

    Human capital stock and institution arrangment which to achieve the value of human capital determine innovative abilities .

  17. 高质量的农村人力资本存量可以显著增加农户家庭人均纯收入水平。

    The high quality rural human capital storage can significantly increase the net income per capita of rural household .

  18. 教育促进了人力资本存量的增加和结构的优化,教育和培训作为一种投资,能促进经济的发展,具有生产性功能。

    Education makes the human capital increase and improve , which has production function and makes society and economy develop .

  19. 区域经济增长不仅取决于人力资本存量、质量,还取决于区域人力资本结构是否协调。

    Regional economic growth depends not only on the quality and quantity , but also on the structure of human capital .

  20. 人力资本存量的不断积累是一个国家社会经济发展的最终决定力量;

    The gradual stock of human capital is a final force to decide the level of a country 's socio-economic development .

  21. 初等人力资本存量逐年减少,中等人力资本存量和高等人力资本存量逐年增加。

    Primary human capital stock declined every year , while medium and higher stock of human capital increased year by year .

  22. 根据统计数据,我国当前的人力资本存量较低,人力资本投资较为落后。

    According the statistics , we know that China has a low level of human capital stock and human capital investment .

  23. 人力资本存量计算方法的改进与试算职称评定标准是保证科技人力资源开发水平和质量的根本标准。

    The technical title evaluating standard is a basic standard for guaranteeing the developing level and quality of sci-tech human resource .

  24. 第1节对简化的预期收入方法进行修正,应用于我国1952-2003年间的人力资本存量序列测算。

    Section 1 is modified the income-based method , and applied to human capital time series measures in 1952-2003 of China .

  25. 建立健全公平、共享的社会保障机制,消除人为差别,增强农民工对城市社会的认同感;加强对农民工就业培训,积极增加农民工的人力资本存量;

    Establishes perfectly fair , sharing social security mechanism , eliminates the artificial difference , strengthens the migrant workers concept of urbanism .

  26. 第6章城乡基础教育差异的效应分析主要从人力资本存量效应、收入分配效应与社会流动效应等三个方面分析了城乡基础教育差异对我国社会经济所造成的影响和后果。

    Chapter 6 the effects of urban-rural differences mainly analyzes the human capital stock effect , income distribution effect and the social floating effect .

  27. 以人力资本存量的生命周期理论为基础,综合考虑受教育程度和年龄两方面因素,提出个人人力资本存量的相关假设。

    Based on the life cycle theory of human capital , considering education level and age , several personal human stock assumptions are given .

  28. 独立样本T检验证实了拥有高人力资本存量的企业绩效优于拥有低人力资本存量的企业绩效。

    Independent sample T test confirms that company performance with high human capital stock is superior to company performance with low human capital stock .

  29. 其后建立计量模型,估算了人力资本存量和人力资本水平对甘肃经济增长的贡献。

    And then , an established metering model estimates the contribution of human capital stock and level to the economic growth of Gansu province .

  30. 实证结果表明:人力资本存量和人力资本投资对外商直接投资的区位选择有正的影响。

    The empirical results show that : human capital stock and human capital investment on the foreign direct investment location choice have a positive impact .