
ōu yuán
  • euro;Eurodollar
  1. 今天欧元的兑换价降到了历史最低水平。

    The euro hit a record low in trading today .

  2. 欧元对美元呈强势走向。

    The euro is getting stronger against the dollar .

  3. 寄20欧元或等值的贵国货币。

    Send € 20 or the equivalent in your own currency .

  4. 他大约赚5万欧元。

    He earns somewhere in the region of € 50 000 .

  5. 我们估计要花费大约5000欧元。

    We estimated it would cost about € 5 000 .

  6. 住这家酒店,每人每天要65欧元。

    The hotel costs € 65 per person per night .

  7. 价格用美元或欧元标出。

    The price is given in dollars or euros .

  8. 今天欧元兑换美元的汇率又上升了。

    The euro gained against the dollar again today .

  9. 如果我把美元兑换成欧元,汇率是多少?

    What rate will I get if I convert my dollars into euros ?

  10. 欧元汇价昨天下跌。

    The euro fell on the foreign exchanges yesterday .

  11. 一千英镑合多少欧元?

    How much is a thousand pounds in euros ?

  12. 旅馆的双人房间一宿50欧元起价。

    Hotel prices start at € 50 a night for a double room .

  13. 这大约要花100欧元。

    It 'll cost € 100 or so .

  14. 欧元对美元依然坚挺,但对日元的汇率则下跌。

    The euro remained firm against the dollar , but fell against the yen .

  15. 一百分币等于一欧元。

    A hundred cents make one euro .

  16. 买这我花了五欧元。

    I paid five euros for it .

  17. 有关采用欧元的文章已经有很多。

    Millions of words have been written about the introduction of the euro

  18. 政府和企业将开始用欧元记账。

    Governments and businesses will start keeping accounts in euros .

  19. 他声称托尼·布莱尔正试图神不知鬼不觉地让我们加入欧元体系。

    He claimed Tony Blair is trying to get us into the euro by stealth

  20. 欧元区内的房屋所有者享有比我们英国更低的抵押贷款利率。

    Homeowners in the eurozone enjoy cheaper mortgages than we do here in Britain .

  21. 银行准备拿出5,000万欧元帮助那家公司摆脱困境。

    The banks were prepared to put up 50 million euros to tide over the company .

  22. 荷兰经济事务部的seo研究院在其二月份所做的调查中曾指出,如荷兰能举办世界杯,将带来四千万欧元的收益。

    Research by the SEO Institute for the economic affairs ministry in February said at best the World Cup would generate € 400m for the netherlands .

  23. 接下来,随着欧元危机的打击,国库券收益率陷入逆境。

    And then , as the euro crisis hit , the yield on Treasurys plunged .

  24. 时间:上午10点到下午4点,包括半小时的午休。报酬:每小时5欧元+午餐费

    Hours : 10 am4 pm including a half-hour lunch break . Pay : Ғ 5 an hour + lunch

  25. Exposure面临风险几乎所有的欧元区国家都给希腊借过钱,如果希腊无法还债,那么这些国家都面临风险。

    Almost all the eurozone countries have lent money to Greece , leaving them " exposed " if Greece can 't pay .

  26. Drachma德拉克马2001年欧元通行之前希腊的货币。

    Greek currency before it was replaced by euro in 2001 .

  27. Grexit希腊退出欧元区

    Short for " Greek exit " from the Eurozone .

  28. 欧元已由理论变成了现实

    The euro has moved from the realms of theory into reality .

  29. 该试点项目预计将耗资约5000万欧元(约合人民币3.9亿元),持续三年。

    The experiment is expected to cost about 50 million euros and last three years .

  30. 欧洲稳定机制使欧元区的援助基金,能够为遇到财政困难的国家提供高达5000亿欧元(约合5600亿美元)的援助资金。

    It can provide countries in financial difficulty with up to € 500 billion ( $ 560bn ) .