
ōu zhōu lián ménɡ
  • European Union
  1. 这个国家申请成为欧洲联盟的正式成员。

    The country applied for full membership of the European Union .

  2. 今天讲课的重点是欧洲联盟内部的税制结构。

    In today 's lecture the focus will be on tax structures within the European Union .

  3. 昨晚罗兰·尼尔森打赌谢菲尔德周三队会捧得欧洲联盟杯。

    Roland Nilsson last night backed Sheffield Wednesday to win the UEFA Cup

  4. 在欧洲联盟杯比赛中,排名前16位的球队已按位次进入首轮。

    In the UEFA Cup the top 16 sides are seeded for the first round

  5. 欧洲联盟杯首轮阿斯顿维拉队抽到了一支捷克球队。

    Aston Villa have drawn a Czech team in the first round of the UEFA Cup .

  6. 世界贸易组织(WTO)和欧洲联盟(EU)在贸易法规方面存在着明显的不同。

    There is significant difference between the WTO and EU in their trade legal and regulation frameworks .

  7. 首先对创新和创新系统的概念进行了界定,明确了本文对创新概念的广义理解,并针对欧洲联盟提出了地域创新系统(AreaInnovationSystem)的概念。

    The chapter firstly defines the concept of innovation and an innovation system to clarify the concept of innovation . It also introduces the concept of an " Area Innovation System " for the EU .

  8. 欧洲联盟(EuropeanUnion)和奥巴马政府对跨国公司的避税策略,以及为它们提供避税条件的国家,提出了越来越强烈的批评。

    The European Union and the Obama administration have been increasingly vocal about the tax-avoidance strategies of multinational companies and the countries that enable them .

  9. 美国和欧洲联盟(EU​​)将共同推动其他国家采纳这些原则。

    The United States and the European Union ( EU ) will jointly promote the adoption of these principles by other countries .

  10. 对于欧元区来说,可以依托的法律基础将是《欧洲联盟运作条约》(TreatyontheFunctioningoftheEuropeanUnion)第136条。

    For the eurozone , the legal basis would be article 136 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union .

  11. 2013年,由28个国家组成的欧洲联盟(EuropeanUnion)的排放量下降了1.8%,虽然德国和波兰等几个国家的耗煤量出现增加。

    Emissions in the 28-nation European Union fell 1.8 percent in 2013 , despite increases in coal consumption in a few countries , including Germany and Poland .

  12. 由欧洲联盟提出的一个解决方案是对总体CDM信用额度施加数量限制。

    A solution proposed by the European Union is to impose quantitative restrictions on overall CDM credits .

  13. SusanneWeber-Mosdorf女士将继续担任助理总干事,主管欧洲联盟事务。

    Ms Susanne Weber-Mosdorf continues as an Assistant Director-General , with responsibility for European Union Affairs .

  14. 在欧洲联盟(欧盟),重点放在孤儿疾病,因为它是一种很有前途的,新兴市场,而且还能提供保证投资回报率(ROI)。

    In the European Union ( EU ), the emphasis is on orphan diseases , as it is a promising , emergent market that offers the prospect of assured return on investment ( ROI ) .

  15. 但是APEC现在需要进行的机制化并不是要沿袭欧洲联盟那样的机制,而是要像当初组织成立时寻找APEC方式那样,寻求一个有自身特色同时也适合组织发展需要的新型机制。

    But now the APEC need not to follow along the European Union that mechanism , but was like when looking for " APEC organization , seek a way " has its own features , but also for the new organization development needs .

  16. 欧洲联盟环境标准体系及其分析

    The System of Environmental Standards in European Union and Its Analysis

  17. 我们应该如何更好地理解《欧洲联盟宪法》?

    How can we best conceive of the European Union Constitution ?

  18. 欧洲联盟多层级治理的理论和实践

    An Analysis on the Theories and Practices of EU Multi-level Governance

  19. 欧洲联盟社会政策发展初探

    Researches on the Development of the Social Policy in European Union

  20. 欧洲联盟创新政策浅析

    A Preliminary Analysis of the Innovation Policies of the European Union

  21. 欧洲联盟必须减少市场准入方面的壁垒。

    The European Union needs to reduce barriers to market access .

  22. 论欧洲联盟对全球政治一体化的影响

    The Effect of the European Union on the Political Integration

  23. 对欧洲联盟法的渊源及原则的认识

    EUROPE The Discuss on the Source and Principle of the EU Law

  24. 欧洲联盟反对种族隔离运动联络组

    Liaison Group of the Anti-apartheid Movements in the European Union

  25. 论欧洲联盟的行政责任及其司法救济

    On the Administrative Liability and Its Legal Remedies of EU

  26. 欧洲联盟的社会政策有它独特的内涵。

    The Social Policy of the European Union has its own special characteristics .

  27. 欧洲联盟是当今世界上一体化程度最高的区域性国际组织。

    European Union is a highly integrated regional organization .

  28. 欧洲联盟应保持足够的灵活性,以便尽快地吸收更多的国家。

    The European Union should remain flexible enough to assimilate more countries quickly .

  29. 论欧洲联盟共同外交政策建立的基础

    On the Foundation of European Union Common Foreign Policy

  30. 欧洲联盟扩大后之大西洋关系:向左走,向右走?

    The Transatlantic Relationship after the EU-Enlargement : Turn Left , Turn Right ?