
fǎ rén chénɡ lì
  • establishment of an artificial person;establishment of a legal person
  1. 事实上,在独立责任、有限责任作为公司法人的成立要件之后,我们仍可以看到诸如两合公司,无限公司作为主体对待的情形。

    Actually , we can still see admission of the subject status of other company modes after the independent and limited liability has become essence of the foundation of companies , for instance the limited partnership and unlimited companies .

  2. 受益人可以是自然人、法人或者依法成立的其他组织。

    The beneficiary may be a natural person , a legal person or other organizations established according to law .

  3. 委托人应是具有完全民事行为能力的自然人、法人或者依法成立的其他组织。

    " Client " refers to individuals , legal persons or other legal organizations that have full capacity to perform civil action ;

  4. 第四十七条企业法人解散,应当成立清算组织,进行清算。

    Article 47 When an enterprise as legal person is disbanded , it shall establish a liquidation organization and go into liquidation .

  5. 如果该法人或其他组织成立不足一年或者是专为本次上市公司收购而设立的,则应当比照前述规定披露其实际控制人或者控股公司的财务资料。

    If the legal persons or other organizations have existed less than one year or was set up for the special purpose of the acquisition , acquirers shall refer to the aforesaid provision and disclose the financial materials of their actual controllers or controlling companies .

  6. 法人的民事权利能力和民事行为能力,从法人成立时产生,到法人终止时消灭。

    A legal person 's capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct shall begin when the legal person is established and shall end when the legal person terminates .