
  • 网络Ferrari;Ferraris;Ferrari S.p.A
  1. 以法拉利汽车为例。

    Take Ferrari automobiles , for example .

  2. 今年8月,一辆法拉利汽车在公开拍卖会上以史无前例的高价成交,凸显了其超豪华品牌的地位。

    In August , the Ferrari underscored super-luxury status when one of its cars became the most expensive sold at a public auction .

  3. 许多公司都在疲于应付人口结构的转变,这种转变向营销与设计的基本规则发起了挑战,生产法拉利的意大利汽车制造商不过是其中之一。

    But the Italian carmaker is just one of many companies grappling with a demographic shift that challenges the fundamental rules of marketing and design .

  4. 如法拉利原装零部件用于维修法拉利汽车,该法拉利汽车的商业保证在期限方面应保持不变。

    If a FERRARI ORIGINAL PART is used for the repair of a FERRARI AUTOMOBILE , the commercial warranty of such FERRARI AUTOMOBILE shall remain unchanged as to its duration .

  5. 1940年法拉利离开意大利罗密欧公司并开创了一家新的法拉利汽车公司。

    In1940 Enzo Ferrari left Alfa Romeo and started a new company Auto-Avio Costruzioni Ferrari .

  6. 据彭博社(Bloomberg)报道,法拉利之所以提高产量,是因为超级富豪(也就是那些可以毫不犹豫掏出130万美元买一辆车的有钱人)的队伍在不断壮大,对法拉利汽车的需求与日俱增。

    That 's because Ferrari is ramping up production as demand grows among the growing class of super wealthy ( the one 's who can splurge on $ 1.3 million cars without a second 's thought ) , according to Bloomberg .