
  • 网络SEK;kronor;Skr;Swedish Kroner
  1. 你们贷记我们在这个银行的瑞典克朗账号。

    And please cover our SEK account at the same bank .

  2. 但是经过在劳动部的工会之间的会议,瑞典克朗和PEO,教育部和酒店业主,达成了一项协议。

    However after a meeting at the Ministry of Labour , between the unions , SEK and PEO , the ministry and the hotel owners , an agreement was reached .

  3. 2013年,该游戏的开发商Mojang只雇佣了39名职员,却创造了8.16亿瑞典克朗(合7400万英镑)的利润。

    In 2013 , its developer Mojang made profits of SKr816m ( about £ 74m ) , and employed 39 people .

  4. 瑞典克朗的这种走势在今年的外汇市场上显得非同寻常。

    Such a trading pattern has been unusual in the forex markets this year .

  5. 萨穆埃尔松说,沃尔沃每年斥资约70亿瑞典克朗用于研发。

    Mr. Samuelsson said Volvo spends about seven billion Swedish kronor annually on development costs .

  6. 瑞典克朗在欧元区危机进一步恶化时能否继续展现出避险资产的特性尚有待检验。

    Whether the krona will continue to display haven characteristics if the eurozone crisis deteriorates further has yet to be tested .

  7. 英镑,瑞典克朗,瑞士法郎和加拿大元的汇率同样也是高于其汉堡包基准。

    The British pound , Swedish krona , Swiss franc and Canadian dollar are also trading well above their burger benchmark .

  8. 货币换算对2009年的销售额产生了积极的影响,使之增加了4.31亿瑞典克朗,按当地货币计算,销售额增长了10%。

    Currency translations affected the2009 sales positively by SEK431 million and , in local currencies , sales increased by10 per cent .

  9. 因此在追求回报的投资者看来,瑞典克朗的收益前景非常诱人。这其中包括试图多元化本国外汇储备的各国央行。

    This makes it an attractive prospect for yield-hungry investors , including central banks , that are seeking to diversify their reserves .

  10. 今年诺贝尔奖奖金为1000万瑞典克朗(约合140万美元)。奖金将于12月10日在挪威首都奥斯陆颁发。

    The prize worth 10 million Swedish crowns ( $ 1.4 million ) will be handed over in Oslo on December 10 .

  11. 他指出,2008年底瑞典克朗大幅贬值部分是受出口枯竭影响。

    The crash of the krona in late 2008 was partly , he argues , due to demand for exports drying up .

  12. 瑞典克朗兑欧元汇率触及12年新高,澳元兑欧元汇率也创下纪录高位。

    The Swedish krona has hit a 12-year high against the euro , while the Australian dollar is at record highs against the single currency .

  13. 在瑞士央行寻求抛售欧元的过程中,从某种程度上而言,它被认为是影响澳元、瑞典克朗等主要币种汇率走势的幕后推手。

    The SNB is believed to be partly responsible for moves in major currencies including the Australian dollar and the Swedish krona as it seeks to offload euros .

  14. 奖金为100万美元(约900万瑞典克朗),这是古典音乐领域最高的奖项。

    The prize , 1-million US dollars - or roughly 9 million Swedish Kronor - is the highest award ever handed out in the field of classical music .

  15. 虽然沃尔沃说更愿意着眼于运营利润,但该公司现在并不盈利。2012年,沃尔沃的运营利润为1800万瑞典克朗(合270万美元)。

    Volvo is unprofitable , although the company says it prefers to focus on operating income , which was 18 million Swedish kronor ( $ 2.7 million ) in 2012 .

  16. 今年的奖金额为800万瑞典克朗(折合93万美元),其中一半授予给了索利斯,另一半由霍尔丹和科斯特利兹分享。

    This year 's prize amount is 8 million Swedish krona ( $ 0.93 million ) , with one half to Thouless and the other half to be shared between Haldane and Kosterlitz .

  17. 但自欧元区债务危机爆发以来,受投资者对其他欧洲国家在此次危机中可能饱受冲击的担忧情绪影响,欧元相对于瑞典克朗升值,而与此同时欧元兑美元汇率却呈下跌走势。

    Yet since the onset of the eurozone debt crisis , and as investors have fretted about the effects on other European nations , the euro has risen against the Scandinavian currencies as it has fallen against the dollar .

  18. 爱立信则于上周公布,今年上半年收入为1063亿瑞典克朗,低于上年同期的1077亿瑞典克朗。虽然爱立信的营收不及华为,但两者的业绩数据并非直接可比,因为华为接近四分之一的销售收入来自手机等消费者业务。

    Ericsson last week reported a drop in first-half revenue to SK106.3bn from SK107.7bn a year earlier , although lower than Huawei the figures are not directly comparable as close to a quarter of sales at the Shenzen-based group is through consumer businesses such as handsets .

  19. 对瑞典货币克朗的徙劳抵抗,导致隔夜利率从5个点猛增到500%。

    A vain effort to defend Sweden 's currency , the krona , caused overnight interest rates to spike at one point to500 percent .

  20. 未采用欧元可能也对瑞典有所帮助:去年瑞典克朗贬值促进了出口。

    Sweden may also have benefited from not using the euro : a Krona devaluation last year helped exports .

  21. 瑞典仍使用它传统的瑞典克朗作为货币单位,通常兑换1瑞典克朗的汇率浮动范围是0.08美元到0.12美元。

    Sweden has kept to its traditional Swedish kronor as a monetary unit , with exchange rates fluctuating from . 08 - . 12 USD to 1 Swedish krona , ordinarily .

  22. 瑞典音乐产业去年收入9.9亿瑞典克朗(合8600万英镑),其中近四分之三来自流媒体服务。Spotify于2008年在斯德哥尔摩创办,如今拥有2000多万首歌曲供用户选择。

    Almost three-quarters of the SKr990m ( £ 86m ) made last year came from streaming . Launched in Stockholm in 2008 , Spotify has a library of more than 20 million songs that people can choose from .

  23. 根据国际清算银行(BankforInternationalSettlements),去年瑞典银行金库大约存着36亿瑞典克朗的纸币和硬币,而2010年有87亿。

    Last year , Swedish bank vaults held around 3.6 billion kronor in notes and coins , down from 8.7 billion in 2010 , according to the Bank for International Settlements .

  24. 瑞典皇家科学院称,之所以将800万瑞典克朗(约680万元人民币)的诺奖奖金颁给他,是因为他以记忆的艺术,唤起了人类最难以捉摸的命运。

    The academy said the award of 8 million Swedish crowns ( about 6.8 million yuan ) was for the art of memory with which he has evoked the most ungraspable human destinies .

  25. 瑞典皇家科学院称,之所以将800万瑞典克朗(约680万元人民币)的诺奖奖金颁给他,是因为他“以记忆的艺术,唤起了人类最难以捉摸的命运。”

    The academy said the award of 8 million Swedish crowns ( about 6.8 million yuan ) was " for the art of memory with which he has evoked the most ungraspable human destinies . "

  26. 瑞典出口企业被迫关闭自身的大额外汇对冲头寸,导致瑞典克朗走软。

    That caused Swedish exporters to shut down their substantial Forex hedges , weakening the krona .

  27. 主播现在,瑞典反对欧洲统一货币的声音越来越强,56%的选民投票要求保留瑞典克朗,这一点与瑞典政府和商界领袖的看法相悖。

    ANCHOR More now on Sweden 's rejection of the single currency . 56 % of the country 's electorate voted to keep the Kronor against the wishes of their own government and business leaders .

  28. 2017年,瑞典公共艺术机构和瑞典运输管理局举办了一场国际比赛,以此吸引艺术家们为哥德堡的科斯瓦根火车站的设计出谋划策,并为获胜者提供了700万瑞典克朗(约500万人民币)的奖金。

    In 2017 , Public Art Agency Sweden and the Swedish Transport Administration announced an international competition for artists willing to contribute ideas for the design of Gothenburg 's Korsvagen train station , offering a prize of 7 million Swedish krona to the winner .