
máng mù chóng bài
  • idolatry;blind worship;worship blindly;adulate
盲目崇拜[máng mù chóng bài]
  1. 对个人盲目崇拜,这是一种自由主义。

    On the individual worship blindly , this is a kind of liberalism .

  2. 盲目崇拜的危险观念和漏洞百出的制度共同作用的结果只能是悲剧的重复上演,最后导致人们对法律信任的逐渐丧失。

    If the course is affected jointly by the dangerous viewpoints of worship blindly and loopholes regulations , it will always leads to tragic results , and people will lose faith in law step by step .

  3. 他们对她的喜爱不久就发展到了盲目崇拜的地步。

    Their affection for her soon increased almost to idolatry .

  4. 破除一切盲目崇拜和迷信。

    Do away with all fetishes and superstitions .

  5. 盲目崇拜必须停止。

    Blind worship must be ended .

  6. 批评这种功利主义思想的人认为它盲目崇拜国内生产总值(GDP)。

    Critics of such utilitarianism saw it as making a fetish of gross domestic product .

  7. 具有影响力的美国右翼专栏作家查尔斯克劳塞默(charleskrauthammer)谴责称,克林顿政府在从核扩散到气候变化等问题上,“盲目崇拜磋商”并“极端迷信条约”。

    Charles Krauthammer , an influential American rightwing columnist , decried the Clinton Administration for its " fetish for consultation " and its " mania for treaties " on issues ranging from nuclear proliferation to climate change .

  8. 盲目崇拜西医或者避之莫远皆不可取。

    To worship or evade the western medicine blindly is undesirable .

  9. 难道仅仅是对西方“金奶牛”的盲目崇拜吗?

    Is this just blind worship of a western " golden cow "?

  10. 崇拜者的信雪片般飞来。她是个盲目崇拜者。

    Fan letters flooded in . She has a kind of idolatry .

  11. 对这个偶像的盲目崇拜应该结束了。

    Blind worship of this idol must be ended .

  12. 他是本地队的球迷,狂热得到了近乎盲目崇拜的程度了。

    He supports his local team with a fervour that borders on idolatry .

  13. 他们对领导的盲目崇拜是不健康的。

    Their slavish devotion to the leader is unhealthy .

  14. 他要以反对盲目崇拜欧洲为己任。

    One of his responsibilities is fighting against a superstitious valuation of europe .

  15. 他不盲目崇拜逻辑。

    He was no slavish admirer of logic .

  16. 对党和跟党有关的一切,他们盲目崇拜;

    On the contrary , they adored the party and everything connected with it .

  17. 她是个盲目崇拜者。

    She has a kind of idolatry .

  18. 这就是对艺术的盲目崇拜。

    This is the fetishism of art .

  19. 我个人认为,应该阻止盲目崇拜名人成为越来越猖獗的一种现象。

    I personally hold that blindly worshipping famous people should be deterred from becoming rampant .

  20. 对保康县在校学生互联网盲目崇拜现象的调查研究运动中邻船互吸现象

    Survey and Analysis on the Fetishism of Internet in Baokang County ; attraction between adjacent ships

  21. 最后,金融运营商必须停止他们对模型和宽客的盲目崇拜。

    Last , financial operators must stop their idolatry of models and their worship of quants .

  22. 从某种意义上,我们这次会议也是对艺术的盲目崇拜的一个部分。

    In a sense , this meeting is also a part of the fetishism of art .

  23. 年轻人容易盲目崇拜迷人的体育和娱乐圈明星。

    Young people tend to make a fetish of glamorous stars in sports and entertainment circles .

  24. 单纯的人盲目崇拜学习。

    Simple men admire them .

  25. 他喜欢说,别盲目崇拜我,我只是个普通人。

    Don 't put me on a pedestal , I am human , he liked to say .

  26. 正是这一段时间,使我的思想完全转变,从对西方的盲目崇拜变成一个批判接受者。

    It was during this period that my attitude towards the western changed , from blindly admiring to critically accepting .

  27. 但媒体所塑造的理想身体与他所代表的文化有关,应理解身体意象的主流和特殊文化适应性,不能盲目崇拜。

    It is suitable to understand the main trend of body image and specific culture adaptability in avoidance of blind worship .

  28. 盲目崇拜外资的作用,在吸引外资过程中不注重国际直接投资对产业结构升级的实际推动效果;

    During the attraction of foreign capital process does not pay great attention to the actual impetus effect to the industrial structure .

  29. 刚确立恋爱关系的时候,我们总是对伴侣盲目崇拜,还会自动忽略他们的缺点。

    We tend to put our partners on a pedestal in the beginning of a relationship and are blind to their imperfections .

  30. 他身边聚集了一小批信徒,很快开始在城里布道,反对当时盛行的盲目崇拜。

    He gathered about him a small circle of believers and presently began to preach in the town against the prevalent idolatry .