
  1. 因此得出结论,PRO基因可以广泛地用于构建在酿酒酵母中克隆和表达外源基因的载体,以便用丰富培基作为选择压力直接筛选。

    Our data suggested that PRO genes might be used widely in constructing vectors to clone and express foreign genes in yeast so that rich medium can be used as a selection pressure for direct selection .

  2. 结论SELDI-TOF-MS蛋白质芯片技术是一种快速、简便易行、用量少和高通量的分析方法,可以直接筛选MM患者血清中差异的蛋白。

    Conclusion SELDI-TOF-MS Protein Chip technology is a quick , easy and convenient , and high input analyzing method which can screen several relatively specific protein markers from the blood serum of MM patients .

  3. SELDI蛋白质芯片技术能直接筛选出肺腺癌患者血清中相对特异的潜在标志物,具有较好的临床应用价值。

    SELDI-TOF-MS proteinchip technology can screen out relatively specific , potential markers from serum of lung adenocarcinoma patients , so it has better clinical value .

  4. 利用直接筛选的方法,将胚性愈伤组织分别放在含1%,2%和3%NaCl的选择培养基上连续筛选60d,在1%NaCl浓度下获得了耐盐的胚性愈伤组织并且获得了再生植株。

    The embryogenic calli were selected on a medium containing 1.0 % ,( 2.0 % ,) 3.0 % NaCl and directly continued for a further 60 d. Salt-tolerant variant types of calli were obtained from the medium containing 1.0 % NaCl .

  5. 从混合的噬菌体抗体库中直接筛选高亲和性的抗肿瘤坏死因子-α人源单克隆抗体

    High affinity anti-TNF α human monoclonal antibodies directly selected from pooled phage display library

  6. 目的:非临床影像直接筛选诊断高血压患者。

    Objective The not-clinical image sieves to examine a patient a high blood pressure sufferer directly .

  7. 本研究用LBSP鉴别培养基直接筛选技术,仅一个循环就获得了大量无酶活的重组质粒和酶活提高了20倍的突变基因。

    Only after one cycle , large quantities no-function recombination plamid and enzyme activity increasing 20 times recombination plasmid were obtained .

  8. 报导从酵母人工染色体的人基因组片段直接筛选表达顺序的方法体系。

    This is the first report in China on the method of direct screening of coding sequences from human genomic YAC clones .

  9. 出于数据的使用目的不同,处理过的IC卡记录经过直接筛选和相应的处理后,以用户希望的形式表达出来。

    Because of the different purposes the worked IC card records will be showed as the users wish after the direct filter and relative process .

  10. 下面是未直接应用筛选的当前副本中的表。

    Below are the tables in your current replica that your filter doesn 't directly apply to .

  11. 为了研究选育耐寒月季新优品种,文章用直接引种筛选、自然变异选择、核辐射与常规杂交育种手段,通过栽培试验,分析检测选育出了14个品种的新优月季。

    For selecting and breeding some cold resistant Rose hybrida , by screening directly , select naturally bud mutation , nuclear radiation and general means about crossing , obtained about fourteen new breeds of Rose hybrida which are cold resistant , fastness and beautiful .

  12. 获得的杂交瘤细胞直接经IFA筛选。

    The hybridomas were detected by IFA directly .

  13. 方法通过直接测序法筛选位于TGFβ3基因启动子、编码区和部分内含子中SNP,作为关联研究的遗传标记。

    Methods The promoter region , exons , as well as part of the introns of TGF β 3 gene were sequenced by a fluorescent labeling automatic sequencing method to detect and characterize the SNPs in 24 DNA samples from a Chinese population .

  14. 对棉防羽绒布卷染时,为提高日晒牢度,对各种直接染料进行筛选,并通过多种方法如固色、接枝等谋求提高日晒牢度。

    For enhancing the fastness to light of cotton dwonproof jig dyed , direct dyes were selected and methods such as fixation and graft adopted .

  15. 这些模型不仅能准确预测GPCR-配体的结合模式,而且具有很高的富集因子,可以直接用于虚拟筛选。

    These models can accurately predict the binding mode of GPCR-ligand and has a high enrichment factor , thus can be directly used for virtual screening .

  16. 研究结果表明,逐渐加大NaCl浓度胁迫筛选获得的耐盐性大多属生理适应性,直接高盐胁迫筛选才有可能获得真正的耐盐突变体。

    The salt tolerance of mutants derived from progressive increase of NaCl concentration was found to be unstable .

  17. 键入直接传递表达式以筛选分区数据

    Type a pass-through expression to filter the partition data

  18. 方法通过直接免疫荧光技术筛选出微波免疫荧光方法最适的反应条件;

    Methods Screening out the best reaction conditions of the microwave immunofluorescence method by direct immunofluorescence technology ;

  19. 运用直接免疫荧光法筛选出最佳细胞密度、最佳接毒量及最佳接毒方式的产毒模型。

    Employed direct immunofluorescence in order to screen models about best cells density 、 best inoculation dose 、 best inoculation and harvest way .