
  • 网络Direct Reduced Iron;DRI;HBI
  1. 直接还原铁是电炉炼钢的重要铁源之一。

    DRI is one of the important sourses of EAF steelmaking .

  2. 同时指出了直接还原铁在各种冶金工艺中的使用是中国面向21世纪的重大任务之一。

    Meanwhile , it points out that the application of DRI in variety of metallurgical technologies is one of the important tasks towards the21st century for china .

  3. PF法直接还原铁半工业性试验

    Semi-industrial test of DRI with PF method

  4. 150t超高功率电炉直接还原铁炼钢工艺分析

    Investigation on DRI Steel-Making Technology of 150t UHP EAF

  5. 用COREX输出煤气生产直接还原铁

    DRI production using COREX export gas

  6. 积极发展直接还原铁(DRI)生产技术,应对21世纪电炉废钢紧缺的挑战

    Developing Direct Reduction Iron Technology and Accepting the Challenge of Lack of Steel Scrap in the 21st Century

  7. Midrex直接还原铁过程的模拟研究

    Simulating study on direct reduction of iron ore by Midrex process

  8. INFI-90集散型控制系统在直接还原铁工程中的应用

    Application of INFI-90 Distributing and Collecting system ( DCS ) to the Project of Direct Reduction of Iron

  9. 对直接还原铁(DRI)性能及其在电弧炉冶炼的特性作了较全面的论述。

    The characteristics and the smelting functions of direct reduction iron ( DRI ) in EAF have been comprehensively reviewed and discussed in this paper .

  10. 重点分析了Hoganas法中隧道窑-固体炭还原法生产直接还原铁的特点;

    Emphasis is put on analysing the characteristic of the tunnel furnace-solid carbon reduction to make DRI among Hoganas processes .

  11. 对于高铁品位尘泥可用于生产高金属化率直接还原铁(DRI)作为废钢代用品,这不仅可有效回收高品位尘泥,同时可缓解废钢短缺,是一经济效益较高的途径。

    High-Fe dusts are available to be utilized as scraps for steelmaking since direct reduction pellets with high metallization rate can be produced therefrom , thus not only recovering dusts but relaxing the scrap shortage with high economical benefit .

  12. 用这一新工艺处理硫酸渣可得到含TFe=90.43%,铁金属化率达94.50%和铁回收率为90.94%的优质电炉炼钢用直接还原铁(DRI)。

    The results show that DRI with total iron grade of 90.43 % , metallization of 94.50 % and iron recovery of 90.44 % could be obtained , DRI could be used as high quality source for electric furnace steelmaking .

  13. 概述了我国当前钢铁工业的现状,指出了我国发展直接还原铁(DRI)技术的必要性和紧迫性,展望了直接还原铁技术在新世纪的发展前景。

    It also sums up the current situation of the steel and ( iron ) industry of our country , points out the necessity and urgency of the technology of DRI in our country , and expects the development foreground of the direct reduction in the new century .

  14. 直接还原铁技术与多管式还原炉

    The technol ogy of direct reduction iron and multibarrel reducing furnace

  15. 用氧化铁鳞制取直接还原铁的实验室研究

    Study of Preparation Direct Reduction Iron with Scale Oxide in Laboratory

  16. 优质铁精矿生产直接还原铁的进展

    Advance in Direct Reduced Iron Production with High Quality Iron Concentrates

  17. 我国直接还原铁生产的现状

    Present situation of the production of direct reduction iron in China

  18. 直接还原铁回转窑密封装置改造及其国产化

    Reform and Nationalization of Sealed Device of Rotary Kiln for DRI

  19. 介绍直接还原铁工程技术管理工作,建立技术管理体系;

    The text present engineering technology management of direct reducing iron .

  20. 垃圾制燃气生产直接还原铁工艺估算

    Estimation of Using Reducing Gas from Garbage to Produce Direct Reduced Iron

  21. 耐火喷涂料在直接还原铁回转窑的应用

    Application of Refractory Coating to Rotary kiln in Direct Reducing Iron project

  22. 直接还原铁工程自动化系统调试的组织与管理

    Organization and Management of Automatic System Commissioning in Direct Reducing Iron Project

  23. 我国煤基直接还原铁发展现状及前景

    Development and Prospect on Coal-based Direct Reduction Iron in China

  24. 碳化铁&新型的直接还原铁产品

    Iron carbide - a new iron product for direct reduction

  25. 气流床粉煤气化技术在直接还原铁生产过程中的应用

    Application of entrained-bed pulverized coal gasification in direct reduction iron-making

  26. 热态直接还原铁防再氧化初步研究

    Preliminary study on protection hot DRI from re oxidization

  27. 称重给料器在直接还原铁工程中的应用与调试

    Application and Commissioning of Weighing Feeder in the Project of Direct Reducing Iron

  28. 直接还原铁大型煤基回转窑投产运作要点

    The main points to the Operation of Large Coal-base Revolving Kiln of DRI

  29. 直接还原铁作为废钢替代品在电弧炉中的应用

    DRI as a substitute of scrap used for steelmaking in electric arc furnaces

  30. 用低品位铁矿石生产直接还原铁和高纯铁粉的研究

    Production of direct reduced iron and high-purity iron powder from low-grade iron ore