
  • 网络DC Bias;dc-bias;DC offset
  1. 分析了新型单周非线性PWM控制开关功率放大器存在的延时问题及由此引起的直流偏置问题,提出了电压补偿解决方案,给出了补偿电压计算公式。

    It is analyzed the control delay of switching power amplifier with a new nonlinear PWM control and its effects on the DC offset A novel voltage compensation technique is proposed to improve this DC offset voltage . The design formula for computing compensation voltage is given .

  2. 仿真结果和实验结果都证实补偿后的系统有效地解决了输出端存在的直流偏置问题。

    The circuit compensated and not are researched through simulation and experiment , which results show that compensated circuit solve the output DC offset effectively .

  3. 一种简单有效的UPS逆变器抗直流偏置技术

    Simple and Effective DC Bias Rejection Technique for UPS Inverters

  4. 实现有源C低通滤波器,需要考虑的问题之一是直流偏置电路。

    One of the problems which must be considered in the realization of active C lowpass filters is the design of DC bias circuits .

  5. 直流偏置对PZT微传感器的谐振频率的影响

    Effect on resonant frequency of PZT micro-sensor by DC voltage

  6. 采用非抛物平衡方程理论研究了直流偏置下p型量子阱负有效质量p+pp+二极管电流的时空特性。

    By using the nonparabolic balance equation theory we have theoretically studied the current spatio temporal characteristics of p type quantum well negative effective mass ( NEM ) p + pp + diode under dc bias .

  7. 然后,设计了直流偏置电路,给出了整体电路版图的Momentum二维电磁仿真结果,结果满足设计指标的要求。

    Then the DC bias circuit is given . The layout is simulated with Momentum simulator in ADS and the results are accord with the demand of the design .

  8. 此外,文中还对W频段微带结构直流偏置网络、微带波导过渡等外围电路进行了仿真优化,设计方法和结论对毫米波微带电路设计具有通用的参考价值。

    Moreover , the microstrip-waveguide transition and the circuit for DC bias in the VCO are analyzed , and the analysis is generally useful for design of millimeter-wave planar circuit .

  9. 该算法通过引入闭环比例积分(PI)校正环节和直流偏置积分校正环节对电压型磁链观测器进行校正。

    A new closed loop method is proposed which uses a closed proportion integral ( PI ) regulator and a DC bias corrector to compensate for the errors .

  10. 本文讨论了混频二极管在直流偏置和交流信号激励时的噪声温度比,提出了以有效噪声温度比(tD)(eff)来表征二极管在交流激励下的噪声性能。

    This paper discusses the noise temperature ratio of a mixer diode operated at DC bias and AC signal .

  11. 与以往同类工作有很大不同,为了实现LNA小型化的目的,对匹配电路和直流偏置网络采用多次曲折线的形式。

    Greatly different from previous works , the matching circuits and DC bias networks are bent many times , for minimizing the LNA .

  12. 正交调制部分采用误差调整与补偿电路,不仅稳定了直流偏置,而且还对信号进行了调理,从而有效控制了I,Q通道的幅相不一致性。

    Stabilization of DC biasing , and signals deviation adjustment and compensation circuit are adopted in the quadrature modulator , so the problems on the incompatibility of channel I & Q in amplitude and phase are effectively solved .

  13. 目前偏置电压控制系统大多基于模拟信号进行,而本文以近年来被广泛使用的数字信号处理器(DSP)为中心搭建了MZ电光调制器直流偏置电压控制系统。

    This paper however developed and built a MZ modulator bias control system with the center of the digital signal processor ( DSP ) which is used widely in recent years .

  14. 在输出级3V直流偏置时最大输出电压摆幅可达25Vpp。

    The maximum modulation voltage is over 2.5V pp corresponding to a 3V DC bias for output stage .

  15. 用牛顿迭代法分析可解得输入Ebers-Moll模型的直流偏置电压。

    Using Newton iteration analysis solution may get the DC bias voltage of inputting Ebers-Moll Model .

  16. 首次利用一个增益开关调制的F-P半导体激光器以及一个直流偏置的F-P半导体激光器互注入锁定产生单模光脉冲。

    A mutual pulse injection-seeding scheme is first proposed to produce electrically wavelength tunable optical short pulses by the use of two F-P laser diodes , of which one is gain-switched and the other is DC biased .

  17. 现提出了一种新型的直接转矩控制系统的定子磁链观测模型,采用一阶低通滤波器替换u-i模型中的纯积分环节,并引入PI闭环校正环节来补偿磁链观测的直流偏置误差。

    A novel stator flux observer model of DTC control system , the model substitutes one order low-pass filter for pure integration unit and adopts PI close-loop calibration unit to compensate the DC drift error of stator flux observer were introduced .

  18. 而对于处于铁电相和居里温度附近的BST体系,则需要考虑铁电畴对介电常数非线性的贡献,这种贡献随着外加直流偏置电场强度的增大逐步减小。

    When the BST system is in the ferroelectric or phase transition state , the domain and domain wall 's extrinsic contributions to the nonlinear dielectric constant cannot be neglected , and the extrinsic contributions decrease with the increase of the strength of the electric field .

  19. 当调制器工作在线性区间并且是小信号调制时,通过BPD探测,或者在调制器双臂上引入一个很小的延时,并使上下两臂直流偏置差为半波电压一般时就可以生成高斯monocycle。

    UWB monocycle can be generated when the modulator work in the liner point and then detected by a BPD or a small delay is introduced between two arms of the modulator and the DC bias is1 / 2of the half wave voltage .

  20. 比较有无AlN插入层AlGaN/GaNHEMTs在直流偏置应力条件下的电流崩塌程度,研究AlN插入层对电流崩塌的影响。

    Based on a comparison of the degree of drain current collapse in AlGaN / GaN HEMTs with and without an AlN insert layer under short-term DC bias stress , the effects of an AlN insert layer on current collapse induced by DC bias stress are investigated .

  21. 直流偏置对功率铁氧体损耗影响的计算

    Core loss calculation of power electronic ferrite influenced by DC bias

  22. 考虑直流偏置电压影响的弹性悬臂微梁挤压膜阻尼新模型

    A squeeze-film damping model for flexible cantilever microbeam under the effect of DC bias voltage

  23. 为提高电光调制器直流偏置自动控制技术的研究水平,提供了一条新的研究道路。

    Provides a new research path to improve electro-optic modulator DC bias level of automatic control technology .

  24. 子电路的设计以放大器为主,利用同一型号宽带晶体管建立高频模型,并进行直流偏置网络的设计和放大器增益的分析。

    We design mainly amplifier , including modeling high frequency modulation designing DC bias analysing gain of amplifiers .

  25. 但电压模型中的纯积分环节存在直流偏置和初始相位问题。

    But the pure integrator of the voltage model has some disadvantages like DC bias and initial phase problems .

  26. 通过调节直流偏置电压和调制深度,来控制调制器透射曲线。

    By adjusting the direct-current bias voltage and modulation depth , the shape of transmission curve can be controlled .

  27. 分析了直流偏置量和交流激励对直流磁通和交流磁通的不同影响。

    Variations of DC flux and AC flux are analyzed under different DC bias and AC excitations . 3 .

  28. 讨论了入射光谱分布对调制灵敏度的影响,以及波导电极直流偏置电压对保证调制灵敏度的作用。

    The effect of the incident light spectrum and the waveguide electrode 's DC bias voltage on the modulation sensitivity is discussed .

  29. 基于此,本文提出在对纯积分环节进行改进的同时消除定子电流采样信号中的直流偏置量,从而解决输入直流偏置问题的方案。

    A new scheme was presented which can eliminate the dc offset of sampling stator current and improve the pure integral loop .

  30. 在高于直流偏置阈值的条件下,加载调制信号,激光的输出光可以直接得到调制。

    DC bias above the threshold conditions , the modulation signal loaded , the output of laser light can be modulated directly .