
  • 网络DC ammeter
  1. 带分流器的直流电流表

    DC ammeter with shunt

  2. 带分流器的直流电流表不同湍流模型和差分格式对旋流器流场的影响

    DC ammeter with shunt Influences of Different Turbulent Current Models and Difference Schemes on the Flow Field of Hydrocyclones

  3. 带分流器的直流电流表声表面波带阻滤波器

    DC ammeter with shunt sound surface wave band rejection filter

  4. 直流数字钳形电流表的研究

    Research on a tong-type ammeter with DC digits

  5. 用直流钳型电流表、收音机或手机粗测磁共振扫描间屏蔽效果

    Testing the Shielding Effect of MRI Scanning Room by DC Clamp Meter Portable Radio or Mobile Phone

  6. 简要介绍了直流钳型电流表、收音机和手机可用来粗测磁共振扫描间屏蔽效果。

    DC clamp meter , portable radio and mobile phone can be used to estimate the shielding effect of MRI scanning room .

  7. 包含按字母表顺序排列的电话用户及其电话号码的手册。任意量程的交直流电压、电流表均可按用户要求供货。

    A directory containing an alphabetical list of telephone subscribers and their telephone numbers . All range voltage , Ampere meter , can suit the demand of customer .

  8. 文中介绍了直流数字钳形电流表使用霍尔元件作为测量元件的原理以及霍尔元件的灵敏度、输入阻抗、输出阻抗受环境温度扰动的补偿方法。

    This paper presents a tong type ammeter with DC digits involving the working principle of the Hall element used as a measuring element and describes a compensating technique for its sensitivity , input impedance and output impedance disturbed by the ambient temperature .

  9. 阐述了直流电压表、电流表方法误差的来源,并给出方法误差的修正办法。

    In this paper , we expound the origin of method error of direct current voltmeter and galvanometer and also give out the correcting method of method error .

  10. 文中论述了显示仪表的发展以及数字式仪表的优点.给出了交直流电压表、电流表和交流功率表的设计数据和实例。

    This paper presented the development of display meter and the advantages of digital meter and gave the design dates of AC / DC voltmeter , AC / DC current meter and AC power meter .