- direct line;Zhili Clique

(1) [direct line]∶有直接血统关系的亲系
(2) [Zhili Clique]∶北洋军阀派系之一。因首领冯国璋为直隶(今河北)人,故名。先后以冯国璋、曹锟、吴佩孚为首领,1927年直系势力被消灭
A spokeswoman for Direct Line said it was willing to insure people with diabetes , depending on their " rating factor ", but that they could face loaded premiums .
She descends in a direct line from the country 's first president .
The funeral was attended by her immediate family only .
He has contempt for those beyond his immediate family circle
The direct ancestor of the modern cat was the Kaffir cat of ancient Egypt
The presence of his immediate family is obviously having a calming effect on him .
With no direct descendent , who will succeed to the title ?
They were the direct descendants of the Dutch settlers .
Article 11 Where a decedent survived his child , the direct lineal descendants of the predeceased child inherit in subrogation .
State educational loans refer to educational loans granted by the lender to borrowers that are given fiscal interest discounts by the central financial authorities or local financial sector undergraduate , professional or graduate courses .
We developed a novel algorithm called GOST ( Globally Optimized STrategy ) to detect the orthologous relationship between prokaryotic genomes .
devolve In case of failure of direct descendants , the throne devolves upon the nearest prince .
Ortholog proteins are inclined to be hubs in protein-protein interaction network and targets of microRNA regulation
While the majority of women don 't have to start going for annual mammograms until their 40s , the ACA also recommends early mammogram screening for women with a first-degree relative who has had breast cancer .
Methods 50 lineal relative of ICU patients were assessed by some content selected from Molter Scale of ICU patients ' families .
the Lannings , who had intermarried with the descendants of Count de Grasse , and the van der Luydens , direct descendants of the first Dutch governor of Manhattan , and related by pre-revolutionary marriages to several members of the French and British aristocracy .
She said that the department 's Kleptocracy Initiative has found that foreign officials often use shell companies or immediate family members to move large amounts of money to United States real estate .
The 1999 Montreal Convention allows each next-of-kin of an air crash victim to claim up to 113100 special drawing rights ( SDR ) , a mix of currency values established by the International Monetary Fund .
The answer is there are two distinct EB5 pathways for an immigrant investor to gain lawful permanent residence for themselves and their immediate family .
Mohamad Kabir sits in front of his makeshift shelter with his only surviving immediate family member , his son , Wajid .
Not be a current employee or direct family of an employee of the FCO , British council , any joint partner of the Chevening scheme , or directly related organizations .
Based on these evidences , we take the MSAP method to further analysis on the synthetic Allohexaploid wheat ( Allo-AT6 ), as well as its consecutive progenies ( S2 ~ S8 ), to unveil its epigenetic stability ( DNA methylation ) in this experiment .
During the process of vertebrate evolution , the orthologs and paralogs genes were generated by gene duplication or alterative splicing , which may lead to the Y-box gene for a multifunctional protein family .
We assume that functional specificity of proteins associated with CNEs is assumed to be conserved among orthologs and paralogs . The results indicate that most enriched genes flanking in CNEs are associated with the transcription factors .
In this study , we firstly confirmed mitosin is also a kinetochore protein in primary cell and its mammalian orthologs also localize at kinetochore . Next we try to reveal the function of mitosin in mitosis .
Steve says he 's a direct descendant of William shakespeare .
Adult granulosa cell tumors of the ovary in two first-degree relatives
Hulse is a direct descendant of the16th century admiral hulse .
Anglo-Saxons are the direct ancestors of modern English nation .
Application of low-dosage mycophenolate mofetil in living renal transplantation of lineal consanguinity