
  • 网络Believe In Tomorrow
  1. 就算最终没有过,也请不要灰心,除了不当老师,我还可以做其他工作嘛,我应该相信明天,人们都说一切终会变得更好的!

    Even though I don 't pass it in the end , please don 't lose your heart , you can do any work just except to be a teacher , I should believe in tomorrow , it said that everything will be going fine !

  2. 贝多芬相信明天一定会阳光灿烂。

    Beethoven knew there was going to be a sunny tomorrow .

  3. 只要你相信明天将会是全新的一天。

    If you 're looking forward to a new tomorrow .

  4. 从今天起,我开始相信明天会好起来的!

    Starting today , I start to believe that tomorrow is another !

  5. 简直不能相信明天我就要回去工作了。

    Can 't believe I have to go back to work tomorrow .

  6. 我相信明天不会下雪。

    I don 't believe it will snow tomorrow .

  7. 我相信明天又是新的一天,我相信奇迹。

    I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles .

  8. 真不敢相信明天就是平安夜了!

    Can 't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve !

  9. 我相信明天这个时候

    I do believe , this time tomorrow ,

  10. 我能这么说是因为我相信明天我的丈夫会打电话给我。

    I can say this because I believe that my husband will call me tomorrow .

  11. 永远不要停止相信明天!

    Never stop believing in tomorrow !

  12. 不要担心!因为,我相信明天会更好!

    Don 't worry ! Bcause , I believe Will be able to be better tomorrow !

  13. 如果我们相信明天会更好,今天就能承受艰辛。

    If we believe that tomorrow will be better , we can bear a hardship today .

  14. 我确信会在一个阳光明媚的早晨醒来,也相信明天会更美好…..

    I 'm sure I will wake up to a sunny morning and tomorrow will surely be better ...

  15. 我们在昨日的荣光之上奋勇前进,因为我们相信明天会更好。

    We honor our past and press forward with the knowledge that tomorrow will be better than today .

  16. 我坚决相信明天存在新科技的可能性,惊人发现,并使我的工作得到暂时的减轻。

    I firmly believe that tomorrow holds the possibility for new technologies , astounding discoveries , and a reprieve from my obligations .

  17. 永远不要停止提升自己!永远不要停止相信明天!永远不要停止帮助他人!永远不要停止征服困难和挑战!

    Never stop improving yourself ! Never stop believing in tomorrow ! Never stop helping other people ! Never stop conquering difficulties and challenges !

  18. 指望每个早晨都带来一个新天地的年轻人发现今天和昨天一样,但是他相信明天会有改观.(沃那)

    The boy who expects every morning to open into a new world finds that today is like yester , but he believes tomorrow will be different .

  19. 晚上睡觉前,你会不会觉得今天的日子过得挺好,相信明天也会过得不错。

    Do you go to sleep at night feeling okay with the way life shook out today , with faith that it will be all right tomorrow ?

  20. 今天他们在舞台上展示了他们的风采,相信明天他们会将这座美丽的城市建设得更美。

    Today they showing on their talent on the stage , and tomorrow with their vigorous and vigor , they 'll build these beautiful city a better place to be .

  21. 大多数人愿意和相信明天会更好的人交朋友,而不是那些哀叹今天比昨天更糟的人。

    Most people prefer to be around people who believe that tomorrow is going to be better than today , rather than people who believe that today is even worse than yesterday .

  22. snailmail信件v.递送我相信我们明天以前就会送到。

    deliver I 'm sure we can get that delivered by tomorrow .

  23. 我决不相信他明天会赢。

    If they win tomorrow , I 'll eat my hat .

  24. 我相信你们明天的联欢会一定会开得很成功。

    I 'm sure your party tomorrow will go swimmingly .

  25. 我相信在明天委员会开会时黛娜将申请重新入会。

    I believe Diana 's up for readmission to the society at tomorrow 's committee meeting .

  26. 我就是我,我相信,明天,我相信我能够生活得更好。

    I am I , I believe that tomorrow , I believe I can live better .

  27. 罗纳德-祖巴尔相信狼队明天晚上一定能够在贝尼特斯球队身上终止他们的球队下滑趋势。

    Ronald Zubar believes Wolves can end their alarming Premier League slump against Rafa Benitez 's underachievers tomorrow night .

  28. 虽然我们都知道这个世界上没什么能够永恒,但是我仍然相信,明天,一切会变的不一样了。

    Though we know nothing in this world would last forever , I still believe tomorrow is a different day .

  29. 我们相信香港的明天会更好。

    We are Hong Kong will be even tomorrow .

  30. 权且相信。我明天一定还你钱。

    A : I promise that I 'll pay the money I owe you tomorrow .