
  • 网络believe in love;believe love;I believe love;I Believe In You
  1. 给(俺)你的已经变得非常安静的爱,因此俺相信爱。

    Give your love has been very quiet , so I believe in love .

  2. 我希望他能相信爱,因为这是生命中最重要的事情。

    I want him to believe in love , Because it is the most important thing .

  3. 我相信爱足以克服我们的种种差异。

    I was certain that love was quite enough to conquer our differences

  4. 然而,总有些人还是愿意相信爱的。三叶与泷擦肩而过的瞬间,我们泪流满面。

    Nevertheless , some are willing to hold dear to love.At the moment Mitsuha and Taki met with each other , tears welled from our eyes .

  5. 他相信爱会发生在任何时间,任何地点。

    He believed that love happened all the time , everywhere .

  6. 这么说你相信爱值得去争取。

    So you believe that the love is worth fighting for .

  7. 我相信爱从经验和知识而来。

    I believe that Love blossoms from experience and knowledge .

  8. 你相信爱是会给予再次机会?

    Do you believe that love is about second chances ?

  9. 我恨他因为以前的我相信爱。

    I hate him for that , because I always believed before ...

  10. 你必须相信爱才能接受爱。

    You have to believe love to receive love .

  11. 才会说我不敢相信爱。

    Would say I dare not believe a love .

  12. 相信爱的人才能得到爱。

    Love is to be love who believe it .

  13. 我真不能相信爱你是多么甜蜜。

    I just can 't believe how sweet it is to love you .

  14. 她从来不曾相信爱是永恒的。

    She never really trusted that love would stay .

  15. 期待,我们仍能在一起。相信爱,坚持爱。

    Let 's be together again , believing in love , never ending love .

  16. 同时请相信爱来源于你的朋友,你的家人和社会。

    And believe in the love of friends , family and all the humankind .

  17. 你相信爱可以培养么?

    Do you believe love can be fostered ?

  18. 相信爱的存在,即便你还是最终失去了他。

    Never stop having faith in love even though you may lose him some day .

  19. 我相信爱和分享的力量,藐视仇恨与唯我独尊。

    I believe in the power of love and sharing , and despise hatred and monopoly .

  20. 我很感谢你为我纹身,但我不相信爱�

    Listen , I appreciate the ink , but I don 't really believe in love ,

  21. 本书献给那些相信爱之无限魅力及力量的人。

    This book is dedicated to everyone who believes in the unlimited power and beauty of love .

  22. 如果她不被关系所束缚,只是因为她不相信爱是从属于性的。

    And she 's not unattached , she just doesn 't believe that love is inherent to sex .

  23. 我祈祷爱的出现,我相信爱。上星期我坠入爱河。

    I prayed for love , I believed in love , and last week , I fell in love .

  24. 你说你现在不相信爱是吧?那你一直这样想的吗?

    So you say you don 't believe in love now , but have you always felt that way ?

  25. 不管发生什么事,无论情况多糟,我们都要相信爱。

    No matter what happens , and how bad things can get , we must always believe in our love .

  26. 相信爱,会让我们耐心等待,虽然不知道等待的期限是多久!

    I believe love , let us be patient , though do not know how long the waiting period is !

  27. 生活通过每件小事教育我们,让我们相信爱,相信他人,相信你自己。

    Life educated us through every small thing , made us believe love , believe other people , believe yourself .

  28. 不要相信爱是运气这跟运气无关,跟你自己的选择如何对待息息相关。

    You don 't have to be ' lucky in love . ' It 's not luck ; it 's choice .

  29. 爱是一种责任,如果你相信爱,那么就要为了你们的爱负责任。

    The love is a kind of responsibility , if you believe the love , should then shoulder the responsibility for your love .

  30. 因此上,本周将鲜花别在头发上,尽你最大的努力相信爱的力量吧。

    So this week , put a flower in your hair , and do your best to believe in the power of love .